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Tune in randomly for random videos i feel like making
Pretty creepy looking back considering all the Ai deepfakes we have now.
I musT poinT ouT, Tim Pool really musT love the letter T
I find it interesting that your Viewpoint is that people use it to dupe journalists. We've seen enough dishonesty for the media, I fully believe that some of them will actively engage in using this technology to further their own agenda.
Fake news technology has come so far in the past five years.
Remember standing in front of a biometric facial scan camera getting a drivers license any time in the last ten years? Scared yet?
Welcome to the era of true Fake News.
Deepfakes are a scary thing for the future. Not because of the porn controversy, but for the potential in faking events with people who weren't involved whatsoever.
While it can be very amusing, I don't like it as I value truth, which is hard enough to find in many places already.
The people behind this will have to stand next to
Anton Kalashnikov on Judgement Day…
This is some scary shit. Could it be that Conspiracy Theorists have been right? Now that is also scary.
oh the things i will be making certain celebritys say.
If you look at the titles of the two driving clips it indicates that the winter footage was original and the summer footage was fake. Similarly the day footage was the original and the night footage was fake.
I wonder if Hollywood has access to this tech?
So, basically this is Photoshop 2.0, or essentially Videoshop?
By the way ANYONE can get this technology for themselves, all you need is a decent computer to train the model and source material.
Since the academic theory is fairly new I doubt agencies had anything like this automated technology.
I'll make Putin say he has fired all of their nukes on the US to trigger all out nuclear war so we can end it right there.
It just isn't wise to follow the News, it's almost pure propaganda these days!
julian assange. cia is doing it on him. assange is gone. l9ok into it
fake news is already ubiquitous
And the MSM has the audacity to suggest they're not fake news.. The real problem is that the progressive FAKE NEWS believes that "the ends justifies the means" er "you need to break a few eggs to make an omelette" – they literally believe they're right so their lies are justified, they live in a subjective reality (delusion) where their opinions ARE the truth, therefore fake news is real news because that's their opinion of a subject…… We live in a time where subjectivity outweighs objective truth… To the fake news like CNN objective truth doesn't matter, because in their minds republicans er non-progressives are evil hence faking the news to portray them as evil is no biggie because it's what they believe – and what they subjectively believe IS THE TRUTH – perception does because perception is being portrayed as objective truth…. Progressives hate Trump/conservatives therefore anything the fake news concoct is truth in their fucked up little minds…. The worst part is – most people don't want the truth, they want to be right, they want to hear opinions they agree with because it satisfies their ego and justifies their opinions… CNN is in the business of telling their little dumb audience what they want to hear and echoing back what they want to believe.
Our society is going to hell in a hand-basket because few care about the truth anymore… They view politics as sport and just as long as their side wins that's the only thing that matters, truth is irrelevant these days – everything is subjective and nothing is based on evidence….
Heck, I disagree with Tim on a lot of issues, but you know what? at least he's objective – at least he's interested in the truth…
Within 5 years we'll finally have the technology to make Tim take off the beanie.
Radio lab did a in-depth story on this a year ago. https://www.wnycstudios.org/story/breaking-news
I don't think the technology is completely there yet. It fooled me at first, but after I knew what to look for, it hit the uncanny valley for me really hard.
And still CGI actors in movies look like sh*t.
"Snow2SummerTransition" …so holy shit, the one on the right is the fake?
It’s journalists that continue to try and deceive the people.
The thing about acting though is that you'll need to be able to do a proper impression as well. Surely AI will be able to distinguish the actual person from an actor. At least bad actors.
I wonder how much of this stems from facial recognition software , if you know what makes up a face its only a step away to produce one.
It's almost like they should get two independent sources to verify something before running a story.
It's not just fakeing a video, what happens when there is actual video proof of a deed or crime?
Well they would say it was faked.
why would anyone develop this technology? What could possibly be a humanitarian reason for this tech?
Dude this is like two years old
people have been using the same technology for furry video sexchat
This will only make the devide of right and left wider. Everything that makes it onto the news that didn't have a live audience will be accused of being fake by the person's supporters.
Glad you got around to this, Tim, but some of us have known about this for about a year or more… Adobe announced also an audio-editing software that lets you do full manipulation of voice once you have enough of a sample of it.
You could have your rich grandpa give you all his money in a Will video after they pass away
Just wait till /pol/ starts using this tech.
Trolling knows no bounds. Not even the sky is a limit
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