We’ve seen the Xbox One X processor layout before, but PS4 Pro is something new. And guess what? The two have much in common. Rich explains all, and with 7nm processor technology in mass production in 2019, there’s a good chance that we’ll see our first next-gen console… Read more here: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-2018-ps4-pro-and-xbox-one-x-processors-compared
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Interesting Video. Even in 2022
imagine. gaming laptop with these chipset..
Nice & Thanks Sir 🙂
I was back here before DF did the PS5 and XSX silicon comparison
That jaguar cpu was the biggest disaster
Wait, are Pro CU's faster clock to clock than XOX CU's?
Dear people who speak ghetto sign language
It doesn't help us understand you any better i promise.
It loks like once again Xbox copycat Playstation architecture. Thats my opinion.
Xbox One X is twice the hardware performance 0f ps4 pro in everway. The custom xbox one x Jaguars cpus's are superior to the PlayStation 4 pro. PlayStation 4 Pro with its same 8 gb as regular ps4 such a handicap to it. Ps4 pro is half the machine that the Xbox One X is in every way. Ps4 pro is a 1440p console . xbox one x is a 2160p console.
Great work Digital Foundry! Thank you ^^
Team Xbox and the team of Engineers that put together Scorpio made something of Jaguar even better than it was through memory configuration clock speeds layout there's no reason why the next Xbox 2X shouldn't be the most powerful console in the world again now that Microsoft Xbox is more gamer focused.
What desktop gpu ps4 pro is?
How come no one mentions what a marketing lie xbox one x was? All these media companies were saying "were going to see hardware generations done away with", "consoles will be iterative updates", "4k 60fps uncompromised". Yadda yadda yadda. Now were right around the corner from the next console generation and xbox one x just released. Fucking spit in the face to microsoft fans releasing One X if you ask me. It was a lame ass apology and more of a cash grab at the end of the gen and they knew it!
At the time of manufacture 10nm process was already available in FPGA's, I guess both companies thought it was too expensive to use the latest fabrication techniques.
I would rather sacrifice a little power in the PS4 to save using that brick of a power supply on the Xbox one.
How they can make something so little but superpowefull at the same time !!
Sony has such better engineers than microsoft, they make software not build electronics like the worlds leading manufacturer of electronic like sony lol. The ps4 pro is a fantastic consol, runs high stress games the push the gpu hard extreamly well. Running games that use mods pro can run 100+ with ease, X is a great system but the pro has high quality and reliability. In Ontario the Pro is $499 +$65tax,the xb1X is $599 +$80 tax
With all that extra processing power, where are the exclusive games to promote the hardware sales?
i can't believed sony wont upgrade graphic lag free and 16gb memory ram or more ?
I certainly hope we won't be seeing next gen hardware in 2019 since many people have only recently upgraded to the X and Pro. If that is the case I will certainly not buy into mid-gen hardware upgrades next generation, and I'm sure many others feel the same way.
Or maybe a more slimer ps4 with 7 nm and no bluray player and very low TDP
I’ve got a question. When you talk about the 44 Compute Units in the XBOX ONE X Die, you say there are 44 with only 40 active in “Retail” units. Does that mean in Dev Kits ALL 44 Compute Units are Active? Just wondering. You guys at DF have GREAT INFORMATIVE VIDEOS!! Keep up the GREAT work!!👍🏻
Why they don’t use nvidea as a graphic card instead of ati Radeon
This is why gaming isn't fun anymore. Splitting hairs over nearly negligible differences. Hell, the PS4 doesn't play 4K BRDs. It's just kinda weird. Cool Vid tho…
I'm still amazed at just how bad TWO Athlon 5150s are even for gaming with relatively mid-range GPUs
"Excuse that terrible pronounciation there" D: As an average bored German on the internet I need to get mad there 😀
Why bother competing then if the hardware is so similar? Why not agree on one piece of hardware and develop games for that? Why make people spend ridiculous sums of money? Do something innovative that's new and unique if you gonna make me spend near $1000 for hardware, why is that so hard? Nintendo go out of their way.
400$ Console with a 15$ Profit formula LIMITS the tech in that Console to 385$. This is why Microsoft is focused on Software and Services as Profit margin NOT the Console!! This will allow Microsoft to make a Console without budget limits!! If Sony does NOT follow this business model. PissyS5 WILL be another PissyS4 Pro under powered and without features. Poor Pathetic Ponyboys ONLY have SOUPY looking GAMES? to look forward too. Sad 😓 but true 😃!!!🤣🤣🤣
Great job !
thats all nice and great but xbox has no games
Next Gen console code names:
Xbox One Y (AKA Why?) & PlayStation FY (AKA – F*** You "XBOX")
Nice shirt.
Man, the layout of the Scorpio engine is beautiful. Also interesting that the One X got most of its leg-up over the PS4 Pro because of Microsoft's innovative thermal system.
Considering the next wave of consoles, I can't wait for the console makers to finally, FINALLY get off of Jaguar. It's clear that low-power Bulldozer has been hampering proper game simulation and FPS throughput in both consoles for a while now. A hypothetical combination of a souped-up Raven Ridge and GDDR5/HBM is already sounding like a really promising combination for the next console generation.
1440p pro 1800p xbox one x. thats pretty much the theme with third party games. where as xbox one x on first party native 4k
Faster memory = better performance
7nm yeah your dreaming … 12nm i thint it will be …cheap
vvut wHerEE aRR the teraflops??!?1
I dont understand why is PS4 PRO so underclocked. I don't own it so i can't rate it's cooling noise but I think that both companies (approximately) knew what other is going to produce, so I really dont understand why it is 50% slower in the end. It's a shame. Anyway, no horizon: zero dawn or uncharted on xbox so …
but the PS4 one was made for games, not a shelf.
PS5 is going blow both these consoles away!
Nice video, cheers!
As a German: Your pronunciation was really well!
Those measly CPU cores… I understand the logic of devoting most of real estate to GPU, but those are puny. And I think that's a mistake. To my understanding, you need better CPU for higher framerates, for more interactive objects, for better AI. All the things that consoles struggle at, and hold game development back.
They are crap 6 year old chips. Xbox FK up and should have waited and used new AMD chips. The CPU is what holds the Xbox back from running 60FPS in most games.
My hope is that Sony will announce or TEASE about the PS5 at E3, then, showcase it in 2019 (E3). Then finally release it in November of 2019, along side The Last Of Us 2, and Death Stranding. That would be probably the most amazing console release ever. imo. Hope you're listening Sony. Also I think they'll have PS4 and PS5 versions of those two games, to start. Just like they did with cross gen from 2013 to mmm 2016 or so for PS3/360. Just my thoughts.
Before you start doing reviews on processing chips how about we have more games with rapid packed math enabled because that is a new feature that most games haven't taken advantage of yet except Far Cry 5 which will be coming out in a few weeks
sony will be trying to depoly zen+ and Vega next year
When DF can't find something to attack xbox, here come this video
Ps4 pro is like pc gaming wow
2019? Thats way too soon, 2020 seems more reasonable. Though to be honest, i dont wanna a new console to come out. I am more than happy with my ps4.
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