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Asia is the last dancer standing during an improv dance battle in this clip from Season 1, Episode 6, “Dancing Through the Decades.” #AbbysUltimateDanceCompetition #AbbyLeeMiller #DanceMoms
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With 12 of the country’s most promising young dancers selected from more than 1,000 national title holders, “Abby’s Ultimate Dance Competition” will reach a fever pitch while a new cluster of mothers brings an entirely new meaning to the term “stage mom” as their children put everything on the line for a $100,000 cash prize and a scholarship to the Young Dancers Program at the Joffrey Ballet School in New York.
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Asia is a QUEEN
It looks like Asia was proud of everyone because she kept smiling at her competitors
i think that asia always has the shine, and thats not so fair for the other girls bc other girls slayed WAY more than asia
Why did they put this music over the original 😢
ngl Hadley (the first girl in the challenge) did REALLY well in her improv against Asia. She was one of my faves in this challenge. Yvette was so excited cuz she knew her daughter was doing well lol. The other girls had some nice moments against Asia but you can tell Hadley went all out.
Abby: I want somebody cretive moves
Lexine: she is gonna come back wi sassy moves
When ever Asia and Amanda were battling Amanda was repeating the same move.
I had a dream that we should not be judged by our dancing we shouldn't be treated unfairly abby if ur watching this please do not kick JoJo out she just needs practice keep trying you will get better get back on track soon you will b dancing better than Asia
Hadley is nothing compared to Asia.
I like Asia it's just that her mom's kinda rude😢❤
2:52 head piece
Sassy Asia😂😂😂😂
4:15 is that maesi's solo encore music?
Look man in order to be a good dancer, you have to perform. That’s what Asia did.
Jordyn did too but was kicked out idk why-
when Asia did the car thing with her back it was hilarious 😂😂
i loved amanda's improv ♥
Not me who started vibing with Asia 💀
Jordan looks like she might’ve been in Majorette 2:32
Pls pls tell me what show this is pls pls pls
The mom commentary throughout this entire clip was hating on Asia and questioning why their daughters got knocked out. They’ve got a right to defend their kids, I just don’t think u need to downplay Asia’s talent to do it—cuz that kid killed it without question
The music is completely different from the original airing ..which I get but that ruins how well the girls showed their musicality.
When she touched Madison’s hair and Abby gave a weird look I don’t think it was cuz she sassily touched her hair, I think it was because she sassily touched her hair and swapped up and gave a aprooving nod instead
Edit: like she went for it and then backed down and I think the backed down part is what made Abby tell her to sit down.
Asia did the same 5 moves in different order
Honestly Asia ate that💅🤭
Massive would of won this
I love asia
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