Microsoft is enhancing Xbox 360 games to run at 4K on the X – but what resolutions are you actually getting, how well do they run, and what are the drawbacks, if any? Rich takes a look at all seven X-enhanced 360 titles, plus you get a quick look at how Xbox One X handles Grand Theft Auto 4!
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This video is hell annoying.
Why is the screen time 90% of this dude. Why not offscreen talk so I can fokus on the Gameplay.
The fact that xbox 360 games are getting performance enhancements and updates is already pretty amazing to me. I really thought that updating those games were not possible considering how the 360 era was not as live-service as the xbox.
Thank you, Digital Foundry!
For ALL you've done 👍,many more!!!
Adding to this, i have my xbox one x set to 720p, then running through the Mclassic for backward compatibilty as my TV is only 1080p anyway. Are the frame rates even better if run at 720p instead? the Mclassic then scales to 1080p
WTF No Fight Night Round 3 support on next gen X's 😂😂
Imagine him knowing what he does now back than lol
Why the fuck isn't pgr 4 supported atall?
WOWOWO HOLD UP… Metal Gear Rising runs at a locked (or pretty much locked? 🤷) 60fps on Xbox One X? Just got one Yesterday, gotta have to spend that $30 and rebuy MGR like RIGHT NOW 😁
Assassins creed was the only game I got from this list. Got the 360 disc version last week for £1. Was very impressed with it. Feels like a new game and so does the AC3 remastered which I also got last week.
My 1050ti can do full 4k, all details maxed out, 4xAA w/ bloom lighting lol. Must be a limitation somewhere else than GPU. I've long suspected the PC port of TES:IV to have a memory leak
great console my one X with internal SSD MX500 top!
I wish sony would do this.
X box one x is a beast, If u cant afford The series x stay with The one x to get amazing graphic gaming
I can’t wait till Xbox series x comes out with this
It’s completely ludicrous statements like the opening gambit from witchard that made me unsubscribe years ago.
There are SO many PC games I own digitally that I’ve had problems getting running on new hardware and in a lot of cases the eventual fix isn’t worth my time and so I never play the game again.
Its effectively the same as a console generation but with way more bullshit.
Those are stupidly cheap prices.
I like how they were using PS recording of Assassins Creed when talking about an enhanced version of the Ezio collection for the XBox.
I just hope they keep support of the back catalogue and not continuing the removal of titles when a new "updated" version comes out.
I have something better, get a gaming PC and it doesn't have to be even that expensive and you get better quality
Does anyone know what the music track playing in the background is please?
11:50 how can a game be sold whens it's so poorly optimised?
yeah no…steam is sometimes awful with old games…especially not having some microsoft exclusives…and some prices are outrageous…example: cod black ops 2 is still $60 in steam
Is Gears 3 still 4k in 3d mode?
I got the gears 5 one x bundle off letgo a wek ago for 200. It's badass it's got a print on both sides of the system with cracks on The Top like it's in the ice.b All five gears downloads but I live in the country with just a 30 gig hotspot so I just got Blair Witch and a few other exclusives. I guess I got to go to my mom's house tomorrow to use her fast Wi-Fi and get 5 at least I've got about 300 megabytes downloaded so far I can't fucking wait
Video about xbox one x, showing gameplay of AC Ezio Collection for ps4. Hmmm 😉 besides that, great stuff and thank for the video!
He predicted the future because the MCC got a 4k update lol. Those hands can create things into existence
PS4PRO: i fear no man…but that thing*stares xox*…it scares me
(psfans dont hate me, im also a ps fanboy but after seeing this video, this is really impressive to be honest)
One/S seems like a good option – You get vsync, stable 30fps and true presentation without artifacts in some games
So Xbox 360 games that are enhanced get better textures?
brand new X1X from gamestop for 350 during a pro sale. best deal ever on a console
i will wait for the xbox vr which will allow 360 discs to run in full tracked VR! maybe…..
I kind of want DF to do a frame rate analysis on Sonic unleashed and compare the difference back compat versions with the original 360 version
Love mine.
Wish playstation did this considering they went big on ps3 with the ps1 back catalogue and ps2 on the og version
Was Fallout 3 updated to run better on the Xbox One S? Because it runs better in this video than it did in their fallout 3 backward compatibility video.
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