Kate Save & business partner Dr. Geoffrey Draper are in the Tank pitching ‘Be Fit Food’ – doctor-designed meal program that promises 5 – 10kg weight loss in just two weeks. The two are seeking an investment of $300,000 in return for a 20% equity stake in their specialized rapid weight loss meal plans – but which Shark will take a bite?
From Season 3 Episode 8
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About Shark Tank: The Sharks – tough, self-made, multi-millionaire and billionaire tycoons – continue their search to invest in the best businesses and products that America has to offer. The Sharks will once again give people from all walks of life the chance to chase the American dream and potentially secure business deals that could make them millionaires.
#SharkTank #sharktankaustralia #befitfood
The Sharks Are Impressed by Be Fit Food | Shark Tank AUS | Shark Tank Global
I will be forever grateful to you, you changed my whole life and I will continue to preach on your behalf for the whole world to hear you saved me from huge financial debt with just a small investment, all thank you ( Trina Davis ).
The music in the background is super annoying!
No Mr wonderful 😢
33rd comment
This show is so weird. No wonder I never watch. The business partner doesn't come out to pitch, but upon request, he comes out? No one has a personality that makes you drawn in. Then all these strange edits at the end.
That was so bizarre.
different sharks
Oh god another blonde 🙄
3500 Calories = 1lb. 7700 Calories = 1kg. To loose 10kg of fat/muscle in 2 weeks you would need to be in a calorie deficit of 5500 Calories a day. (7700 * 10) / 14 = 5500. What she is saying is IMPOSSIBLE. NO ONE CAN LOOSE WEIGHT THAT FAST. Even if you only consumed 500 calories a day the average person would have to run an additional 38 miles or roughly 60km A DAY to burn loose that much weight. It's just not mathematically possible.
Good Lord, great camera work on the intro!!!
Loosing 10kg in two weeks is unhealthy and probably impossible;) the maximum you can loose by diet ant training 5 times a week plus cardio is 1-1.5kg fat ant thats healthy. Everything above that is you losing muscle
5 – 10kg weight loss in just two weeks in not healthy at all. I am sure the weight will quickly go up after they stop if not more. typical example of Jojo dieting
Dr. Draco Malfoy??
LOVE FROM PUNE INDIA🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳 ❤🥰😉🤝🙂😊👍😍😎🥰❤🥰❤🥰
Oh god another food delivery service
Its literally just food😂
I am eating my dinner now, what are you eating? 🙂
Update: you guys are all eating some delicious meals!!! yummyyyy
I’m so early that Barbara flew to Australia and is out already
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