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Mean Girls was a weird movie…
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Who knew it existed?
Damn i dodged a bullet with that one
Dude this movie ain't even be connected to mean girls in any effin way. More like I'm not like the other girls but cringe
I hated this movie but the flamingo line made me laugh so hard
It's so funny how Jo calls whatever they've been doing "backstabbing" and "mind games" when all they've done is explicitly say how much they hate each other to their face like. That's frontstabbing, girl.
I was offended on Regina’s behalf bro
I got the 1000 shoes part but the queens aren’t for me
This is the weirdest movie ever
You obviously never seen Goatman Murders
If Jo just had the computer guy hack the neighbor's security cameras after the plastics put stuff in the race car (breaking it), the movie would have been over in 50 minutes. It is likely that the war would not have even hit its peak, and no one at the school would have found out about the check from Abby's dad to Jo because the plastics would have been in trouble.
nice sock puppet
It was so bad it was funny 😂
this is so bad!!!!!
Mean Girls 2 is Megamind VS The Doom Syndicate level bad
Why does every movie producer thinks super glue is so strong when it’s not
15:28 she sounds like she's constipated 😂
"And watches dubbed anime" really hit me 💀
FUN FACT:Chasity is actually Emma from H20
Rest in peace to the iced coffee/latter…you will be sorely missed.
Sounds like Bandslam, but without the Plastics to ruin everything. 😅
Unpopular opinion: I actually enjoyed watching Mean Girls 2 and absolutely despised the remake that was recently released.
GASP :0 the principal from the og movie is there!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not Stiles dad playing in this monstrosity.
The message of Mean Girls 2: have s*x as early as you can, with whoever you can… Because you certainly don't want to be the loser virgin of your group of highschool friends
Yo that’s deadass Harper lol Halfway through the video I realize this.
On god she would’ve taken that helmet to the face right then and there
Cady didn't think she was better than anyone initially. She was very naive and just confused about the atmosphere around her, but she didn't look down on anyone from the get go. And her fashion was more homely and just whatever got her out the door fast enough because fashion wasn't really something she cared about. Johanna clearly cares about fashion to some degree and thinks she's edgier than other students.
And the original is about how none of them are villains. They're all going through their own things and are just going through highschool. Regina wasn't the villain. Janis wasn't the villain. Cady wasn't the villain. None of them were. This second movie has clear villains and clear good people which isn't inherently bad, but Mean Girls isn't about villains vs the good people.
Mean Girls 2 just missed the mark. It didn't have good fashion. It didnt have good slang. It didn't have good jokes. It didnt have a good message. It just missed the mark in every way.
I would describe this movie “A 15+ disney movie” even the way she said “bitch” felt like a child using a swear word for the first time
For a second i forgot this was Mean Girls 2
The original mean girls was mean but they did mostly psychologically shit but this movie is filled with stuff that would definitely count as actual crimes…
Jo = pick me
Is Abby Harper (Wizards of Wavery Place)
It IS Jennifer Stone.
Bruh why is your audio a mess at this? 😂
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