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#Halo #XboxSeriesX
So apparently this was running on a PC… however I guess it doesn't matter, because in the description of the original video it states: "captured real-time and representative of the experience on Xbox Series X running at 60FPS and up to 4K resolution" – so I guess this is what we can expect from this game on the Xbox?
Playing the Game now after a year damn they have done a lot of work and have listened their critics. Nice Job Microsoft. I cannot tell you how beautiful the game looks like now
I think it would be cool to do a check in on halo infinite again now that's its fully out. The game looks genuinely gorgeous after the year delay and I think you might have a fairly different interpretation on things.
This game looks so much better now
thankfully the game is perfect at being a cool and fun gaming experience.
Another armchair dev that's a pony that never actually made a game the scale of halo infinite
Review the new gameplay plz
Your gonna need to watch the new one
Hope you are doing a New réaction of the New trailer !! X)
Anyone watching this before E3?
In no way some of these frames look last gen. Some of these frames look like a PS3/360 era game. I mean you said that you don't really play a lot of games, but no way this looks like the vast majority of PS4/Xbox One titles.
This might be the only Halo I don't buy
Thanks for mentioning the art style, oh wait, you didn't. Did you really think Halo was going to look like TLOU2? If It did I would be thoroughly let down that they would try so hard to look so next gen. Next gen is not everything to oldschool gamers. I'm hyped for this. It looks stunning, theres homage to the original Halo and I'm glad the original art style is still depicted.
Since when did anyone ever play Halo for its graphics? Graphics are icing on the cake, if even that.
If sgt. johnson was there-
You scared marine?
then shut up an let the chief do his thing……You had the Wright to be scared before u joined my corps
Some Noname reacts lol
Really not a fan of those ugly looking "spires" in the background, I know the idea is that the Halo you are on is fractured and those white spires are like it's "bones" are sticking out, but they just don't look very good.
It looks like a low budget attempt at continuing to milk the Halo series that so many of us fell in love with. I played Halo with my kids when they were growing up and I would have to say this looks like a step backwards. I miss the original Halo team (can't remember the name), for me it was never the same after the change over.
You should comment on 343i’s new halo waypoint article on the technical improvements that they have made on halo infinite.
I hail from the future! I know the trailer looked bad, but after watching his reaction to the Scorn game trailer, Halo Infinite looks like a real POS. Scorn and Demon's Souls have opened my eyes to true next gen!
i think the trailer is cool, like the way they did it is cool and the music is obviously good, but the 'cartoonish' look does not match. i mean, imagining the trailer with detailed, op, 2020 graphics, would give me actual 'halo' vibes, but atm this game reminds me of fortnight… dont get me wrong, love halo, but i also like graphics and the look of the game, and i mean they put so much effort into halo 4-5's graphics and then… this?
The gun models do look nice.
The teeth on that ugly bastard are horrible, looks like some cheap plastic like you said.
Halo has looked the same since forever. This could have been a halo odst dlc trailer.
7:52 keep your eye on the blue brute in the backhand corner to the right. before the scene ends he suddenlly flicks away from chief and shoots at something else…
They spent the last 4 or so years working on a brand new game engine. They definitely didn't do anything new with graphics tech to get ready for the next gen or the fact that it'd be on PC.
Kinda disappointing, bungie was pretty good at squeezing out graphics on the hardware given. Halo 1 introduced a lot of new tech, Halo 3 introduced HDR, halo reach really squeezed out the best possible for that kind of game. And their gameplay was pretty good too, graphics and gameplay in a 2-3 year dev cycle. 343 has had over 5 years now.
Just cancel it, fire everyone & start from scratch
Its ok because according to Microsoft the bad graphics was deliberate
First thing I thought was this does not look next generation. Bad for Halo and the Series X. The game needs delaying by a lot longer!
don't forget that it is made by AAA studio funded by a company owned by mothdafaking bill gates with a budget of 500 million bucks and development span of 5, make that 6 years while we have rust that is made by a random independent studio with a budget of like 10 mils and yet it still looks bounds and heaps better than infinite
This is really 343i's and microsoft problem, there's absolutely no excuses for this, they're just pretty damn lazy hell even halo reach, a game that was made in 2010 still looks better than this
Thanks for the vid. Everything does look a bit too much like plastic or clay imo.
It’s it just me that’s a fan of the graphics (probably just me)
Unfortunately what has happened here is one of the biggest complaints with new halos is the realistic art style, so 343 has been told to try bring it back to older art style like halo 3 however the reason it works for halo 3 was at the time graphically it was impressive now it just looked dated and lack luster. i blame the community for this one
Embarassing but still the xbox fan boys are praising it.😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
The fact the he and yall are being serious about this small trailer is wack, just remember that this game isn't even in alpha or beta so obviously its not going to have good graphics and whats the point of spending a lot of money on making a small cinematic and a level thats not even going to be in the full release. So expect there to be much better graphics during the actual release.
It looks awful, lets all be honest. Wow.
No surprises in this video. The MS exclusives are, as always, neither exclusively nor good.
Damn Reach looked better. That game was 10 years ago on a console from 2006.
This has to run on the Xbox one so technically that makes this a current gen game not next gen
Graphics looks disappointing ….. But I'm really looking forward to the gameplay itself 😅
They wanted this game to run on base xbox one
we all know what this means
The main problem I've seen with this is that every kind of material looks the same… Ground looks and feels almost exactly the same like metallic parts of the armor or weapons. It looks like they are using one material and they are just changing the textures. Because skin should not look like ground and ground should not look like steel and steel should not look like teeth that look like plastic.
And LOD and the fog is just so aggressive. Last weekend I replayed Crysis from 2008 that looked better than this.
cool XB 360 game
It looks like a mobile game for the pocket telephone
The coalition did great visually on Gears 5, 343 should ask for help for the technical and visual part of the game, pop ins, and the texture looks bad
People are actually hyped for this lmfao
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