Mika Hakkinen trains Top Gear’s very own Captain Slow, James May, how to drive at high speeds on a loose surface in Finland.
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We do start early in the Finnish countryside, and not just cars but all kinds of motorized vehicles.
I got my first car at 12. By the time I went to driving school at 17, I had had four cars for driving on fields, unofficial forest roads, and ice roads on lakes. Anywhere but public roads.
I had clocked tens of thousands of kilometers prior to entering traffic the first time.
Whatever genetic lineage that spawned the fins from the proto-indo hunters must have been really autistic.
a great guy
I quite like that selling the car after the race thing!
J: I like to have the air vents pointed to me. Exactly. Is that finish?
M: hmm.. No
Wasn't expecting to hear Grounds For Divorce here
I live in San fransisu
a ruthless race car driver, and a kind human being.
god bless him
"What's going on now is, we are going really really slowly"
What an honor. Grew up watching Mika and Schumacher battle
Mika is such a Finn and may is such an Englishman, hilarious dichotomy
Sisu is often my daily drive 😂
I like how May asks Häkkinen a complicated question about him just answering "yes" to complicated questions, and then Häkkinen just answers "yes". Häkkinen gets it, but looks like May missed it.
i don't care mexico still remembers
James wanted to pass his OCD for finnishness
FInns are simply gorgeous. such a nuanced people
Its not Sisu that powers Finns, its Perkele Sataana!!!!
I loved Mika and Michael!
I like Mika’s subtle dry humour, it’s just so understated and madness you grin 😅
I miss top gear.
anyone know the name of the song @ 0:30?
James really doesn't have a sense of direction at all.
i miss old top gear
Lovely man always liked Mika great Champion
Driving on country roads was one of the most valuable early driving experiences I had. Learning how to use the throttle to maintain speed was a big issue, and it helped me overcome that.
Mika was a treasure. The stories he must have. He's the most human human I think I've ever seen in a video. He's so full of personality.
0:24 He is not retired. He is having a SABBATICAL.
best top gear episode ever
my F1 watching life begun with Mika and David Coulthard
I heard about the japanese flick, and the american flick.
Yep, I play My Summer Car. Over 1,000 hours.
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