The Darkest Minds (2022) Thriller movie explained in Hindi Urdu. The American dystopian science fiction film “Darkest Mind” story summarized with a full ending explanation. The plot revolves around a group of young kids and teenagers living in a futuristic world. These young men are endowed with superpowers by the government before being incarcerated. In reality, a disease killed 98% of the young people, and the 2% that survived have acquired abilities. A character named “Ruby Daly” and other students end up fleeing the authorities after experiencing many obstacles. They now join a rebel force to stand up for their future. Their enigmatic acquisition of superpowers will also benefit them in their quest. What would you do if you were in those children’s position? Please Like, Share and Subscribe.
Images and footage Source: 20th Century Fox
Director: Jennifer Yuh Nelson
Screenplay or written by: Chad Hodge
Disclaimer: Any footages(s) included in this work have only been used to deliver easy understandable information to the viewers. To the best of my knowledge, it falls under the category of fair use for review and commentary. No one’s rights will be infringed upon by us. Thanks
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