We are in a golden age of women’s sports in the United States. In youth programs, high school, and college, there are teams for girls in virtually every sport, but baseball stands alone as the one sport (other than football) that we essentially tell girls they can’t play. #HBO #RealSports
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Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel: On the Basis of Sex: Girls’ Baseball (Full Segment) | HBO
Baseball as a boy’s only sport and the reason to make it only a boy’s sport is the definition of sexism. There’s girls wrestling and water polo, but not girl’s baseball?
In addition, to have the alternative of baseball be where females have to pitch underhand is another example outright sexism.
Yes, softball is one of the last vestiges of gender segregation in this country. BUT, what RS fails to explain is WHY softball survives. ITs not because of sexism. Its because its easier and rec level friendly. Baseball, and in particular, overhand pitching is very difficult.
Why couldn't they (Little League) have just started girls baseball teams? Why did it have to be softball? Seriously, I don't follow either sport and never played either one not even on a church league. Mostly don't care, but curious about this having stumbled upon it.
I consider this a classic Real Sports story!
It's kinda dumb that girls can't play baseball lol. Like whatever dude, just start up some leagues
Makes no sense, why can't women play baseball?
Girls: We can do anything! Don't you try to stereotype us!
Also girls: It's men's fault that we can't compete with men, don't form our own leagues, and don't support women's sports.
"Maybe one day America can catch up to Japan and have its own Women's League that is losing money, and then we can achieve equality by transferring the men's profits to the women." lol
If you’re still crying about not being able to play a game 50 years later, your life has gone horribly wrong.
Competition IS ALWAYS about your heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I played this team and they were terrible and the umps tried to give them the game but we still won
Why cant the boys play fast pitch softball?
Fastpitch softball is faster and more exciting in my opinion. In Baseball you can bobble, kick and drop the ball and still get the out at first base. Smh.
that was my team that played them. we smacked them 10-0
My uncle and cousin are in the winning team. Go stingers!
We need to have a girl baseball team. I played softball. My late Grandmother played baseball with her grandchildren.
I wish I could play girls volleyball not just to see the girls but just so I could bounce the ball on there low ass net
I played against these girls in the first game in Apoka,Florida
And we ended up in a tie
If men can be airline stewardess then girls can play baseball. Plus didn't anyone besides me see League of their own.
Fuck your sports.
So sad you will find anything to cry about you people are pathetic
From the European point of view Baseball is not even a sport. Is it like golf or cricket? Do they run?
So what if I want to play softball or girls volleyball
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