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James Smith is an advocate of a no-nonsense attitude to health and fitness.
The 30-year-old personal trainer has some typically no-nonsense advice for his rapidly growing army of followers: eat less and move more.
James Smith’s expletive-filled rants and approach has seen him dubbed “the Gordon Ramsay of fitness” after the foul-mouthed TV chef — and while some clean-living types are shocked and appalled by his sweary videos, he has managed to gain nearly 500,000 followers online. His mission to get people to lose weight is as easy as two words — calorie deficit.
Broadcast on 20/01/2020
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If Piers does "a bit" 3 or 4 times a week then I'm Dame Edna Everage.
Joe wicks? He's a chef isn't he? 😂 savage!
Self image tbf, hypocrisy perchance
My god the presenters on this programme are so bad at interviewing
Daaang he ain't wrong about those celebreties. lol. Shots fired.
Repent, sinner. Heil GOD
I love how he remained true to his message! The interviewers were tryna bait him into saying controversial🙄
Who put the comments back on? Must’ve been the new guy
The escalator thing annoys me. If you are walking somewhere why do you stop walking because a machine is moving at 1mph
Good man 😂👏👏
Haha, going into a dark room, putting the brake on and calling it a hill. I've never thought of it like this before, but this sums up spinning pretty well
I put James' videos on my Facebook feed in hopes it will save some of my "fat" family and friends. Everybody wants to be fit and healthy but no one wants to be told. James just put things in simple terms that everybody cant relate to and understand. He has a pretty good app as well, but just by watching his videos, I'm sitting here I'm 13kgs lighter in just over 2 months. If the exchange rate wasn't that expensive from EURO to NZD I'd 100% be signing up to the app.
'Curse filled rants.' What is he, a gypsy sorceress?
I've only just discovered James, he's a good man, full of integrity, genuine as f😮😮😮….
Was deffo talking about Joe wicks 😂😂
Mum, Dad… I made it.
James handled himself very well! You could tell the interviewers were baiting for something controversial to be said. Didn't fall for it and continued explaining his point, despite the CONSTANT interruptions
I think James is an excellent fitness advisor and much needed voice of reason in this age of "fat- and fit shaming". It's like he says; it's not about calling people fat, but why obesity can be an issue and what people can do about it. I don't think there's a single obese person in the world that's not aware that they're fat, but I do think a lot of people are unaware of or blind to the problems associated with obesity, and the solution. I think everyone is entitled to live their life the way they see fit, but it's not okay to be ignorant to the harm you might be doing to yourself and those around you. If you're aware of the advantages and disadvantages associated with the way you choose to live, then that's your choice, and you have to accept the consequences. But if you're obese and you glorify it without acknowledging the associated problems, or you blame it on anything other than your own lifestyle, then you're either oblivious or a liar. Humans are exceptionally skilled at finding external causes to their problems, and at deceiving themselves into thinking their behavior is justified. This defense mechanism protects us from damaging our self image, and we all do it to some extent. There are, of course, individual differences that make it easier for some and harder for others, but fitness is not unobtainable for anyone with able bodies and minds. It takes a lot of courage and mental toughness to take responsibility for your own actions and make a lifestyle change though, and I think a lot of people simply can't handle that amount of cognitive labor on top of their everyday lives and struggles. It's a lot less painful to put up a wall and ignore the truth, especially if you find others who confirm your biases.
If you are fat then you are fat, what’s the problem with calling it what it is??
All the interviewers seemed to be doing was trying to get James to say something outrageous or controversial but he handled himself brilliantly and he's right about everything he said here.
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