Tom Vasel reviews The Hunger Games from Wizkids
00:00 – Introduction
01:58 – Game overview
06:14 – Final thoughts
To buy the game, go to http://tinyurl.com/hungergamesgame
For more info and reviews, check out www.dicetower.com
I like the potential of this game but i feel like the rules are lacking and vauge. My biggest problem is with the 3 initiative tokens and when you get them back. The rules imply that you get them back at the start of the next day but doesn't say it straight out. but that means in a day you can only participate in at max 3 events, just doesn't seem right.
"Hunger Days"? ha
thee nd of book 3 was the worst!!!
Only part I personaly hated was the end of book 3.
I just picked this up at Walmart on clearance. The box art is different, but that's not all. The components don't look at all like the ones you have here. The tribute cards are much thicker, and were not bent like those shown in the video. The cards have a nice glossy finish. The dice seem to be the same. The counters and game board are much thicker also. There is a nice box insert with compartments to keep everything separated. So at some point they made a better quality version.
This is why Tom is my first choice when it comes to game reviews. He is as honest as can be and admits to his own bias when it could conflict with a review.
that seems easy to fix, just decide on how many card to go before it, easy peasey.
hey dumbass read the books n stop criticizing it bfor doin it
who cares about the quality. Is the game fun or not?
I like the books and movie but this is really complicated and weird…..
Thats not a problem… Thats is how the books are!!! Dont review a game without knowing where it comes from.
hmmm………….. no wonder the cards were bent, you let them drop out!!!!
@Co19801003 Yeah, I understand, I only just started reading the books last week (I jumped on the bandwagon). When series change mediums though, they should be created as standalones though so that they can bring in new audiences.
The movie looks to live up to expectations in some areas, and fall in others. Minor details aside, I think the actress they chose for the lead is too old, and sorta ruins the impact of kids fighting to the death.
We'll see though, I'm going on a field trip to see it.
@dra900nka1n Ah, like the old Dune board game, which was pretty boring and unintuitive too unless you knew the books. I can relate to that. I am starting to consider reading the books now 🙂 Still, I think a board game in itself should be good and even the people who love the books should realise that a good game could attract more positive attention to the books, making it a win-win situation.
To all the fans of the books: I hope the movie will live up to your expectations! 🙂
@Co19801003 The game's essentially hoping people attach the feel of the books (and soon to be movie) to the board game
They may go "ehhh", but I think they'll be in the merchandise selling phase at the moment with the movie coming out and several people buying all the accessories. I enjoyed the book so the game intrigues me, I think I'll buy it if I ever find it on sale and cheap (because I'm sorta in that accessory buying phase)
this does not fix the problem. you could still go through the entire deck until one day ends. the next day could be as long as that day so you will see all those events again.
there should be a mechanic counting those approvel ratings regardless which player won the event. if the overall score reaches a certain limit, the day ends. side effect is that the players can only get that maximum score in one day
1: read books
2: see movie
3: think about what you saw and read
4: post a video saying how this is the best series ever made.
5: Harry Poter sucks
hunger games, catching fire, mocking jay.. best series ever made
Great review.
if you like the idea read the books. the books are a perfection of this game
@looney1023 ya ya ya … he told us about to bord game not to book what i was saying is he whould have had more understanding of the board game if he had read the books … but serasely i mean i like the idea the had for the board game but have you ever really bine in a great rp … the way your talking it sounds like it never crosed you mind … go jump into one and youll see how rp is better then any board game
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