Bodysuits let actors go through physical transformations that they couldn’t easily make on their own, from gaining weight to gaining muscle to being pregnant. Bodysuits don’t have to look very realistic if they are covered by clothes, but if the actor’s stomach or chest is exposed, then they will have to trick the viewers. For “Bill & Ted Face the Music,” legendary special makeup effects artist Kevin Yagher of Kevin Yagher Productions Inc. created muscle and fat suits for actors Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter. To make the muscle suits look real, Yagher and his team sculpted subtle veins and used an airbrush to paint on skin details like pores. They used silicone for the skin, as the material is translucent the same way human skin is, and foam latex underneath to help it move like a real body. Meanwhile, a realistic fat suit needs some jiggle to it. After working on the Nicolas Cage movie “Adaptation,” Yagher learned that stuffing a fake paunch with beads is the best way to make it bounce.
Thank you to Kevin Yagher for speaking with us and providing us footage and photos! Check out more of his work here:
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How Bodysuits Are Designed To Look Realistic In Movies & TV | Movies Insider | Insider
It's ironic. The one thing that makes things realistic is a person's flaws and imperfections. You actually want to add flaws to it.
Wonderful people
"fake body suit"? So it's a not a real body suit? Surely a body suit is a fake body?
I love it
amazing workmanship! Wish I could spend a day in that studio!
So much work and still looks very fake. Especially the fat suit
fun movie
Wait, so Alex is also Jeremy Renner?
"here hes adding color to the nipple…" my moms face when she heard that lol
5:11 no, also ai can detect that
1:46 Purple and green? That's blue….
Henry Cavill Bulked Up to be Superman
He didn't use a body suit!
It's called the " Dream Factory" for a reason.
Hollywood Movie industry is FAKE
They suit up actors. The rest is CGI
Christian Bale sneers at your silly body suits.
Appreciate all the effort that these artists are doing in films to make things look realistic , the results are incredible, really enjoyed watching this , it's fascinating how it's all created.

Fatsuits and also Muscle-Suits are the same like Blackfacing. Should be bannend and real actors should play. Fat actors for fat roles, muscular actors for muscle roles and so on. Pregnancy is the only acception.
So many men
why keanu look like braun strauman
Give me a boobie suit :3
That is so cool.
Is that John Malkovich narrating the video?
Ach… Keanu hat gar keinen solchen Körper..?!
That's absolutely outstanding
Oh Goodness
That's what Shah Rukh did for pathan
"No, not the Gucci suit! Not the Gucci BODY suit" – Hopsin
Believe it or not, rappers do this all the time…
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