Welcome to @JoeAwesome1 and thank you for looking up too, or watching me look up, as there is always something strange, going on above us. Please like share & Stay! Awesome!!
I do this for fun, I hope you remember to have fun too, todays show is brought to you by You Tube & Canva App’s for Music & Visuals respectively, my channel is all about the mystery of the unknowing above us, as I don’t trust NASA. but here is some info about Planet X which is also known as Nibiru, Wormwood, Nemisis to name a few.
In 2008, Japanese researchers announced that according to their calculations, there should be an “undiscovered” planet at a distance of about 100 AU (astronomical units) that has a size of up to two-thirds of the planet Earth. These calculations support the hypothesis of the existence of Nibiru, or Planet X. Here we bring you 20 things you should know about the mysterious planet Nibiru.
The name “Nibiru” originated from the ancient Sumerians, who once inhabited ancient Mesopotamia, modern-day Iraq. It is the twelfth planet describe by Zecharia Sitchin.
Nibiru is also called Marduk, and it arrives at our solars system with an extreme clockwise elliptical course.
According to several ancient texts from Mesopotamia, there is strong evidence that supports theories that Nibiru, has an orbital period of 3600 years. The number 3,600 was represented by the Sumerians as a large circle.
The expression for the planet, the “shar” also means a perfect circle or full circle and also represents the number.
Ancient Astronaut theorists believe that the convergence of the three concepts – planet / orbit / and number 3,600 – could not be a coincidence.
Strangely, The periods of the kingdom were also multiples of shar, 3,600 years, leading to the speculation that the empires shares were related to the orbital period of 3600 years.
NASA has identified a planet with an anomalous orbit around our Sun; they refer to it as Planet X. The Washington post and other news agencies wrote about it in 1983 and the coming years.
According to the Washington Post: “A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that it would be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope aboard the U.S. infrared astronomical satellite… ‘All I can tell you is that we don’t know what it is,’ said Gerry Neugebauer, chief IRAS scientist.”
R. Harrington wrote a very interesting article in the Astronomical Journal in 1988. Harrington suggested that a planet three or four times the size of Earth existed, having a position of three or four-time further from the sun than Pluto. According to mathematical models that were presented, it is believed that Planet X or Nibiru, has an extremely elliptical orbit of 30 degrees.
It is believed that the planet originated from the Orion constellation, passing near our planet and coming towards it from the Sun, after making its way by Earth, it head towards outer space and “disappears”.
Hope you found that interesting and thank you for being an Awesome! ONE….
Ty, dear Joe.
ML <3.
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