Clank! In! Space! Review by Man Vs Meeple
2-4 Players
60 Minutes
Man Vs Meeple
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Hosted by Jeremy Salinas (Drakkenstrike)
Hosted by David Waybright
I don’t get the term “gamers game”? Clank isn’t a game for gamers?
That art is awful, pass from me. Why couldn;t they give it an overhaul to match the theme?
How come none of these "very special" reviews don't point out how bad the artwork looks for a "very special" premium game. I would be ALL OVER this as the gameplay looks fantastic. But the game board and card art looks boring. Especially considering the whole point of this being a stand alone re-theme is that it's a retheme. Why not bother to make the artwork fantastic so I have no reason not to give you my money? Looks ugly. Will never buy it. Happy to play someone else's copy. But it does not deserve a spot on my shelf.
In space, no one can hear you clank.
Renegade certainly played a lot of boardgame reviewers to victory in the marketing game.
Cool! I love Clank! and think this looks like more fun even though in Space vs. continuing Fantasy theme.
I'm not sure why this is super special, but it looks nice I guess. Maybe they were keeping it secret for some additional hype. Are you sure you guys weren't a little caught up in the specialness of being given an exclusive, or is it REALLY worthy of all that praise you piled on it? It kind of seemed just like plenty of other games out there and I LOVE Renegade Game Studios.
I was excited for the push your luck, race element of Clank but I don't find it particularly tense or exciting. Sunken Treasures helps make the dungeon feel a little more hazardous. I was hoping for a progression of complexity (or at least more mechanical layers), but this seems more like a reset.
Interesting. Doubt I'll invest, but a very interesting idea.
Hey guys! Love the channel and you've made some solid recommendations (my collection thanks you… my wallet not so much!!) Got question if you don't mind. I've got Clank! in my collection and most of my regular group really love it. It's been one of the games that has gotten my girlfriend into the hobby. Do you guys think there's room for both game in my collection or does this new one do everything better?
I really dont like the board, i prefer the originals
I don't understand the secrecy around this announcement. Why is this going to be so hot?
26881 with a legit comment. I wish we had known this was coming about 2 months ago. Both of us were in the fence for so long on Clank! Because of themeing. So that's a thing. Still love the original though just not big on fantasy and dragons and such.
Why was this deemed such a big deal? I mean Clank is great and all but why such mystery for so low a return?
Too soon, Renegade. Too soon.
I love the meeseeks with the golf clubs on the andoird card. Nice reference to Rick and Morty. I loved that episode.
UGH. I literally just got my copy of original Clank delivered yesterday. Wish this were an expansion instead.
When I first saw this I thought, "this is the big reveal?" But, after watching the video, I'm pumped! Definitely buying this one.
I really like the new mechanics, but can't justify having 2 Clank games and I vastly prefer the Fantasy theme. Hope they release an expansion to the original with some of these new mechanics and make it more a gamer's game.
I assume it will have an app for solo play like the original?
I will take this version over regular Clank! any day. Now I guess I get to sell my regular copy as I am not sure that I will even play it anymore.
I agree. It looks like a lot more in this than the original. I just got the original and I wished I'd waited. Considering that I love Fantasy far far more than sci-fi that's saying a lot.
This is the mystery game? That's it? Wow wtf Renegade
So pumped for this! Never been more upset about the fact I'm not attending GenCon!
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