Using completely real crowds in Hollywood productions can be a huge logistical challenge. That’s why movies and TV shows have found many ways to make crowds look bigger than they are. Older movies like “Ben-Hur” used matte paintings, while movies like “Glory Road” have used inflatable extras. Today, duplication and CGI are the most frequently used techniques. On the Apple TV series “Ted Lasso,” Barnstorm VFX had the daunting challenge of filling a 26,000-seat stadium using a mix of real and fake people. As Barnstorm VFX supervisor Lawson Deming told us, it’s the mix of the two that best convinces the viewer.
Thanks to Barnstorm VFX for speaking with us and providing footage from “Ted Lasso” and “Insecure.” Check out more of its work here:
Check out more of Molecule VFX’s work here:
And check out more from The Inflatable Crowd here:
How 10 Different Animals Are Trained For Movies & TV | Movies Insider
How 8 Scenes Were Filmed To Look Like One Take | Movies Insider
How Sounds Are Faked For Nature Documentaries | Movies Insider
#Hollywood #FakeCrowds #MoviesInsider
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How Fake Crowds Are Made For Movies And TV | Movies Insider
I watched this video like 3 times
Mme groult et son travail de cgi là
I'm wondering if tv networks are starting to do this for live sports, like figure skating , when the crowd is sparse.
Why do you have in-vision subtitles as well as generated ones? Don't need both!
That's really awesome lol
This is fantastic. I work with people who deliver this kind of VFX work for a living, and exactly how it gets made behind-the-scenes has been a bit of a mystery. Thanks for the thorough explainer, @Insider!
AI.CGI.can fake anything in sports.What are we watching on TV
So many good jobs killed by this tech.
Of all the cast and crew they always cheap out on the background. Technology is killing alot of extra jobs
Still does not looks real. How tf Man City has obese player…
Reminded me of my game The Simpsons tapped out
The fact that they were never inside a REAL stadium is INSANE! I had no idea!!
And biden events
How were crowd shots done in Goal, and Goal 2?
Goofy ahh npc
Man city use this tech to fill the emptyhad
I know they tried, but for a football fan like me it was pretty obvious the crowds were fake. Just not enough diversity and interaction with what was happening on the field. Didn't mind it in the series tho, it is pretty much impossible to get it right.
This is why movie studios are so pissed off when people are downloading their movies for free.
Now I will be crowd checking the movies. 🤨 Thanks. Lol.
Why don’t they do this with video games such as NBA2k?
the movements make it obvious, every ones just flailing around probably hitting who every would be next to them
We know we are, We're sure we are, we're Richmond till we die
If only the writing team is half as competent as the vfx team.
Copy and paste is everywhere
I remember seeing the first long-shot of the Titanic full of passengers and thinking, "That's CGI". Things have clearly moved on since then…
My aunt was one of the people in angels in the outfeild
Thats a soccer ball in a goal 😂
The real actors are editors. They make everything possible and look real.
So youre telling me everything i watched is fake?
It's not called fake, it's called creativity
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