Instead of me telling you about some hidden gems, we go on the journey together with some games I’ve never played before. Will they prove to be worth my time, or are they just internet hype and quickly forgotten? Let’s take a look.
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Opening 3D Logo By:
Jan Neves
YouTube Page –
Episode Notes:
1. Games covered:
Genji Tsuushin Agedama
Time Cruise II
Psycho Chaser
Die Hard
Hana Taka DakaI?
Toilet Kids
Cyber Cross
2. I used Magic Engine for this footage. My PC Engine is S-Video modded and I use that on my CRT. I tried that with the Framemeister but it looked pretty bad.
3. The music in the beginning and ending monologues are from Batman for the PC Engine.
4. All these games are on my PC Engine Everdrive and I still had yet to play them.
5. I give the edge for Tatsujin to the Mega Drive. It doesn’t have the bold color of the PC Engine version, but I prefer the addition animations and detail.
I picked up Pacman World in a carboot sale here in the UK for £1, buried in a box, proper mint condition too... Its going for £20-£25 on eBay.
Few more boot sales later... Well, a lot more bootsales later... Castlevania Chronicles cropped up... Tenner... I looked on eBay... Well over £100 last I checked!
I've never had any others, but bought some great "If less worth valuable" titles on the way, but, you never know! ;)
Hence why I like the inclusion of the going rate... You just never know when you might stumble on a bit of a rarity! :)
TurboEverDrive is unfortunately the only way some people can play these on og hardware these days, just too rare and expensive for the likes of 1941 Counter Attack and Soldier Blade etc ...
I love videos from people like Kim Justice, but would really appreciate hearing the thoughts of someone else who has a similar gaming background to myself.
Because who gives a shit what any specific YouTuber personally has nostalgia for? It's like reading the preambles to food recipes where they talk about their Italian grandmas. I care about what tastes good or plays good, not self-absorbed meandering.
Really, who sits there and says "Oh, you played such and such when you were a kid? That's sooo interesting."
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