Grammy-nominated singer Zach Williams lived the pop star life of drugs and alcohol, until a song on the radio changed his life. ► WATCH more stories:
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Thank u 4 sharing your story n your talent. ❤
I want to be
Marry to be a man of god 😢🙏💕
And the wonderful life your leading. Blessings to all your family. ✝️. ❤️. ✝️
What a testimony this life you had left behind .
Love you Zach. And your wife. Christelle. Beautiful people ❤️❤️ of Christ
Love you brother! 🫶🏼
Maybe a diet would help more as you appear a little um how do I say it kindy "a little unfit" as well as using religion to make money
I Love Zac and his Music ❤❤❤
Love you and your music Zach.
Glad you did !
Zach you have taught me many things
My husband and I love all of your songs
Here’s a man after my own heart. Loves Jesus and Cubase. Jesus more of course😀
Love Zachs Williams songs.
What a testimony Love your music Met my wife 1978 I was a drug habit again member One time we were chased by the police she got very scared but did not give up I got arrested for a robbery I committed why being under the influence of drugs and being strung out on drugs how is facing 20 years in prison And why in prison I was so sick and tired of being sick and tired I'm tired then I asked the Lord to help help me and forgive me for everything I have done Instead of going to prison I end up going to a halfway house do I have warehouse for less than a year I've been out ever since I am 67 years old haven't went back to the drugs or alcohol or gang life thank you Jesus Aman 🙏 My wife and I have been together 45 years And we have a beautiful grandchildren
Music is truly life changing if you let it do so. Most of the songs ever written is written from the downloads from God and Heavenly Angels…
To be changed by a song that is downloaded to you is Amazing… ✨💔🔥♥️
Your Story is so inspiring and Blessed And Amazing may the Lord really keep you and Hold you.💞🙌🙏🙌💞
So awesome!
Im so glad i've found your Music. Thank you.
He is my number one gospel 🙌 artist
Just saw you in Orlando. I love this testimony?
You know Zack music strikes me different than other Christian music I can really tell the humility when he sings and I enjoy listening to it everyday God is really using him for people back to him hallelujah
2021 review
“ I am no longer a slave to sin” performed at Harding prison did it for me after the Lord miraculously helped me to pass my fellowship exams in Orthopedics despite all my teachers saying I wasn’t good enough. Then I remembered how The Lord made it possible for me to enter medical school in the first place when my grades weren’t good enough for med school. Zach’s music keeps me going whenever am down and it helps me know that God’s got my back anytime. Thank you Jesus and thank you Zach. Wish you could visit a country in Africa called Ghana.
You make it sound too easy. Thanks be to God for your witness… I do wish you would speak more truth to the struggle after giving your life to Jesus.
The roller coaster of life. Where does it lead, where does it end? Like Pete, was a pastor for 7 years. 2 busted marriages and a long term defacto all gone. On my own, and will stay that way. Also in tears as I write. And drinking. I remember the freedom, for a brief period of time in my life, when I was really "born again". I had a vision, in tears when I was 24 that broke my heart. I was shown my mistakes, the pain I had caused, and I was shown 2 paths. One lead to the Creator, the other lead to the church. I made the wrong choice, and went to the church: became a pastor. What a mess. Square peg in a round hole. 7 years later I walked because it was killing my integrity to be living a lie. I did not believe the teachings of that organisation, and was not living them. Now all I have is the Creator. Never stopped knowing that there is a Creator. I don't believe anything else. However, I also love the teachings of Jesus, always have. I'm living them now, well, kind of. Letting everything go. Don't know why I am writing on YouTube. Always seems pretty pointless. Thanks Zac. I stumbled on the prison video "I 'm no Longer a Slave to Fear " some time ago, and that worked in me. I don't fear anything, not even death. Being a Child of God, I don't understand that. I don't have a god, just the Creator. I am a creation. That really is all I have.
ZACH, be blessed by the LORD JESUS and your ALL FAMILY, too!!! ☦️🌈AMEN☦️🙏
My favourite song.
Thanks. First heard the Gaithers sing it passed on from my mom. God is still in the miracle making business. Love ya big guy
Thank. You. Beautiful 🎥
Chain breaker
Nice story 🙏❤
Great video. Great story God bless. Thank you 😉
It’s amazing how he heard a song by Big Daddy Weave and changed his path to go on to change others life with his own music. That’s amazing Jesus Christ is so good to us!
You are lost and now you found it
When God calls, heed the call, all things have passed away, all things become new. Great blessings await this man & his family. God luv your hearts.
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