What did Titanic’s Break Up REALLY Look Like? (How the Movies Got it Wrong.)

Modern day movie depictions of Titanic’s sinking all seem to have something in common; brilliantly-lit, with blaring lights so the audience can see all! But as we discover today, the events of that night may not have been quite so clear! This video analyses how the Titanic broke up during its sinking and how survivors might have witnessed it.

Watch How Carpathia rescued Titanic’s survivors here;

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Oceanliner Designs explores the design, construction, engineering and operation of history’s great ocean liners – from Titanic to Queen Mary but not forgetting the likes of Empress of Ireland or Chusan. Join Mike Brady as he uncovers the myths, explains the timelines, logistics and deep dives into the lives of the people and ocean liner ships that we all know and love.

0:00 Introduction
1:38 Titanic in Hollywood
10:28 Animation introduction
13:00 Sinking animation with realistic lighting


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@amylin5062 April 26, 2024 - 1:24 am
The sight of the ship sinking in total darkness is terrifying. It’s like a large malevolent shape. I can’t imagine being there in real life, hearing the sounds of twisted metal and screaming. Utterly bone-chilling.
Well done.
@ALX65 April 26, 2024 - 1:24 am
This whole video makes a lot of sense. Thx. Very educational.
@officespace7777 April 26, 2024 - 1:24 am
So in order for people to have seen the sinking for the breakup, they would have had to have been very close to the ship.
@hsiegamer April 26, 2024 - 1:24 am
I put it on level 1 brightness for more realism and for the sinking animation with realistic lighting, I couldn't tell what happened after the lights went out. It was only at level 7 brightness when I had some idea and level 11 brightness when I immediatly concluded, it had split
@raulindoraptor1461 April 26, 2024 - 1:24 am
am i the only one that has the most short comment in this video?
@RedDeadRogue April 26, 2024 - 1:24 am
I think one of the biggest insights we can get into the nature of the breakup comes from the testimony of chief baker Charles Joughin, one of the few survivors to go down with the stern. The way he described it makes it seem much more gradual as opposed to this sudden, climactic crack. He was in the after well deck and described the ship settling back fairly gently, to the point that he thought it was the list correcting, before the stern seemed to bob back and forth before beginning to go vertical. Very famously, he said it was so gradual and slow that he was able to step off from the railing, which he'd been using as a sort of ladder as the stern went vertical, without even getting his hair wet. Taking this and other accounts into consideration, combined with factors like the extreme darkness and just the inability to really comprehend something as incredible as a massive ship splitting in two, I think it's easy to understand why many people thought she sank intact.
@1over137 April 26, 2024 - 1:24 am
Record tin sheet and tin foil being torn and crumpled. Then slow it down and double/tripple it up. Might sound like sheet steel buckling and tearing.
@Musikministeren April 26, 2024 - 1:24 am
Titanic did not break at such a low angle...
@adzplus1 April 26, 2024 - 1:24 am
I agree. It would have been very hard to spot Titanic breaking apart on a moonless night. I've been on a cruise ship and at night the ocean looks pitch dark. You don't see much far from the surrounding water and the small waves forming where the ship is passing. So after the lights went out it would have been very difficult to spot much of what was happening
@MaverickSteffen April 26, 2024 - 1:24 am
I believe it was still mildly attached to the front of the ship, even though the majority of it was broken away. So it broke, but then it was pulled down faster as the front of the ship is dragging it down. Then as the back of the ship began to spin, it broke itself away from the front and detached underwater. But I don’t believe it fully detached until it was completely underwater or else the back wouldn’t have been pulled down vertically like that. There is no way the back went down vertically with all of those air pockets. It’s just not natural unless it was being pulled.
@idelnonjefferson5371 April 26, 2024 - 1:24 am
Im titanic nerd

The Truth Is the ship wont split in two, was on 3 because the 2 wreck ( center of 3rd funnel got found and when we use the stern to bow wreck. it misses a part so split in the final of 3rd funnel the bow misses a part of the funnel locations, and the boiler explosion theory IS actually fake. if it split boiler explosion , only the double hull should broke, Making a v-break my experiments show a collision of Stern and bow in the iceberg, got 1 in the Stern and 5 on bow but got flooded the 6th and the 7th and it goes, só the split wont was on that angle of 45. Probaly was on 30 when the 2nd funnel was about to colapse to the sea, so when the final plunge begin, the ship should be an 25 angle and make it to 40 slowy, and sink it the chance of the water pressure break it is probaly because ship was long and maked the ship break. Or the water pressure make the 3rd funnel local separate from Stern or bow but the separate of Stern is more probably because the stern have a model Making when hit sea bottom will break some part of propellers. theory is:

hits the iceberg and 6 compartments flooded going to 7th and goes

Stern compartments too got flooded like the engine room

The first funnel colapses. In the ship 19 angle

The second funnel about to colapse falls and lights out

The ships break on 2 ( but when sunk break on 3. )

The emergency lights on but they low and they out speed

The stern conected to bow sinks.

The double dull detaches

The 2 funnel still on ships bow part because the force wanst too power to break the bows part. when water touchs second funnel it falls making sparks,the 3rd funnel falls when splits of force conected to stern the 4th funnel falls but still on ship, falls of ship when the ships go to a 40 angle the final plunge begins.

Making the ship sinks , bow goes ,stern too, bow goes medium

And the stern goes 5x more faster than bow
@WardyLion April 26, 2024 - 1:24 am
Years ago I watched a video (no idea what channel) that looked at some plans for the Titanic and they focussed on what I believe to be an expansion / flex joint. It was vertical and ran from the boat deck to a very low point in the ship, where it terminated in a circular / cylindrical shape, presumably to act as a pivot to allow the joint to expand / contract around without breaking apart.

It was suggested, while necessary to allow the ship to flex when riding waves, it was also a weak point that gave way when the weight of the stern on it became too much. This sounds reasonable as it was designed to allow for torsion, not support a massive amount of weight.
@empressmeowmeow9581 April 26, 2024 - 1:24 am
I've always thought the sinking and especially the moment the ship breaks in half was most effectively captured in the 2012 version. It's filmed from the perspective of someone struggling in the water with it occurring (and looming) in the background of the action and is absolutely terrifying.
@lilrockergirl500 April 26, 2024 - 1:24 am
being in line with the crack to see the stars appear where they shouldn't be possible would probably be to only way to assume it split.
@sailorwinxgirl April 26, 2024 - 1:24 am
Very interesting, subscribed!
@craighanks429 April 26, 2024 - 1:24 am
Love your video work about Titanic. I originally became interested in the disaster in early 90’s way before the James Cameron movie version & began taking out VHS tapes about Titanic when I lived in Wisconsin from the Kenosha library.
Then I became interested in the Laker cargo ships & the tragedy of the Edmund Fitzgerald. While doing that I discovered the FIRST White Star line tragedy, the wreck of the SS Atlantic (1873). This story is heartbreaking considering not a single woman & only ONE child, a boy, only men made it off the wreck. There is a memorial society in Nova Scotia dedicated to the memory of the disaster (considering the ship ran aground on the granite rocky coast there). Am surprised no one has made a movie about this ship disaster.
@MJubecki1984 April 26, 2024 - 1:24 am
I can’t get enough of this. I find the Titanic irresistible.
@Chet_24 April 26, 2024 - 1:24 am
Thank God for the context note on this video! Ive been living under a rock my whole life and had no idea that this was a real event!
@miketaggart3803 April 26, 2024 - 1:24 am
seeing your animation of the sinking, I would think the WTDs would have kept the aft end floating. But, I guess the two pieces were still connected at the keel and was dragged down.
Wonder how the capathia found the survivors in that pitch blackness….
@crunchtastic1948 April 26, 2024 - 1:24 am
I just saw this video. I know I'm late to the party but I had to comment. You mentioned that you loved Cameron's film and appreciated A Night to Remember. My impressions are the opposite of yours, for what it's worth. I love A Night to Remember for its sincere attempt to portray the human factor in the sinking. Boats sink. Your excellent videos illustrate that repeatedly. Boats sink and people die. As for Cameron's film, he is a polymath and likely drives himself to distraction in pursuit of realism. The movie is beautiful to look at, if by necessity unrealistic in places. What has made it unwatchable for me, over time, are the characters. He had an unmatched opportunity to tell the real story, about real people experiencing this horrific event. Instead he defaulted to cliches, a star-crossed love story between non-existent passengers, to include a selfish mother willing to barter her daughter's life for her own comfort to a rich suitor about as deep as a puddle. Bah. I've reached a point where I wish that Jack had climbed on the door with Rose and the blasted thing had sunk out from under them both. Bucket list ambition is to go to Halifax and find the real J. Dawson's resting place in the Titanic section so I can apologize to the poor bugger on general principals. With luck I could chase off a middle aged mommy or two, who thinks Leonardo DiCaprio's unfortunate twin is at the bottom of that hole. Phooey. I let go a long time ago.
@OfficialAshArcher April 26, 2024 - 1:24 am
What those people went through, especially the 1500 who died so needlessly, was truly horrific
@brincarsorrirejogaroficial April 26, 2024 - 1:24 am
Frank Prantice, survivor of titanic: "She (titanic) was going up, then she righted her self..." he was on the ship in the break up, in the stern warning blade flags, he felt the breakup, but didnt thought that she had broken, after the breakup, the ship was going up, then he let go of the sign and fell onto the water
@allgood6760 April 26, 2024 - 1:24 am
It is speculative. All I know is that if I was on that ship I would need to change my undies! 💩
@JDwarrior April 26, 2024 - 1:24 am
@spyro3412 April 26, 2024 - 1:24 am
So I will confidently say that even without the ship realistically would have looked upon the breakup that I could confidently say that the ship did break into two pieces because you can see the dark shape of the ship against the stars also I have an eye for detail so that's why I said what I said
@jack0cat April 26, 2024 - 1:24 am
Some theaters cranked up the AC just before the collision with the iceberg.
@jack0cat April 26, 2024 - 1:24 am
Imagine how that sky looked. Wow.
@user-vz5cq7ey2c April 26, 2024 - 1:24 am
You can see the silhouette falling back and combined with the horrific noise it's easy to see the Titanic breaking in half for those paying attention to it. The problem is 1500 of 2200 onboard dying, 1912 standards of women to be snobs or helpless making the majority of survivors and stubborn wealthy men avoiding the truth of their failures, keeping accurate testimony hidden. For several decades they wanted themselves and the public to believe Titanic had a huge hole ripped in her starboard side and much like a man who can't get it up, they were embarrassed and hoped nobody would discover the wreck and truth.
@dhertsens5617 April 26, 2024 - 1:24 am
The pitch black darkness... my God on top of the cold and on top of witnessing a disaster of this scale, must have been terrifying.
@user-bz9sc8rv2n April 26, 2024 - 1:24 am
This is not accurate... when it ripped in half there was a massive explosion
@danielleisidori5982 April 26, 2024 - 1:24 am
That was absolutely frightening to watch but likely, very accurate to how it actually looked that fateful night.
@Sbaxter1989 April 26, 2024 - 1:24 am
13:10 not to mention eerie 😱 I can't imagine how frightening that must have been to witness and listen to in such darkness
@peter5886 April 26, 2024 - 1:24 am
11:37 Why would the weight of the engines cause the stern part to founder? After the breaking the ocean waters could easily and quickly pour into the hull and sink it.
@MelnStarscream April 26, 2024 - 1:24 am
That last part, I didn't see JACK SHIT! I dont have the best vision and my NIGHT vision is close to absolute zero in the best conditions. Imagine that I had lost/broken my glass during all the chaos as well.. I'd have been blind and going on sounds only. That horrific noises I would hear could have been a LOT OF things and seeing how they boasted the Titanic as nearly unsinkable and powerful and such... Her breaking appart wouldn't have been my first thought for sure.
@AngelAdorable3 April 26, 2024 - 1:24 am
Very cool video.
I do have a question though that you mentioned during the 1st sinking demo; you said what if the bow broke off entirely and the stern could have floated. Is that an actual possibility? There is a gaping hole where the ship was torn in half, how would it be able to stay afloat? The water-tight bulkheads? It's a curious thought.
@aztec0112 April 26, 2024 - 1:24 am
I wonder if you are taking into consideration, pupillary dilation in pitch blackness that might have given some a better view of the final moments as the eyes adjust to the new light level
@johnnytower6169 April 26, 2024 - 1:24 am
I remember being at sea on a moonless night with loads of cloud cover on the pacific. Just before I went on watch I told the officer of the watch that I was going for a smoke on the flag deck (out the bridge wing port door and a little aft). He says to me “it is bullsh@t black out there, be f@rking careful cos we won’t find you if you go over”

I went outside and realised he wasn’t lying, I held my hand 2 inches in front of my face and couldn’t see it, I had a few drags and just went inside, it wasn’t very rough from memory, maybe a little choppy but it was creeping me out too much

The ocean sucks, it wants to kill you, my advice is just avoid it haha
@scottfarmer8758 April 26, 2024 - 1:24 am
I thought that they didn't know that the ship broke in half until they found it on the bottom of the ocean 73 years later

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