Juma El-Awaisi and Anwar Almojarkesh own a company that has exclusive rights to sell Braci products in the UK – the sound recognition platform that allows users to convert sounds into visual and sensory notifications. They’re seeking an investment of £50,000 in return for 20% equity.
An international sensation, Dragon’s Den features entrepreneurs pitching for investment in the Den from our Dragons, five venture capitalists willing to invest their own money in exchange for equity.
#DragonsDen #PeterJones #Audacious #Technology
I love that they think a deaf person will be sat at home with a standard door bell.
Any time someone offers investment in a distribution company, the dragons are immediately out. How do people not get it
The dragons could have just said out the moment they said about the company structure.
We each print something different to the company… yes but what? 😂😅
Jones the bully. Shame on u
Pair of scammers.
Dubell detheckthethh!
I doubt that these guys actually own any part in the danish company, but just try to fake that they own a part of the mothercompany to seem more legit….? Anyone knowing anything about this?
They likely could not dilute shareholders in the parent company–tech is expensive and those shareholders for round a and b probably threw millions in to these guys. The shareholders also probably want to wait a few years to get some real dough back before new shareholders, like the dragons, can come in because by then, the dragons won't even want to by shares in the parent company; the shares will be 100x more valuable.
The immense amount of clarity Peter Jones has is just awesome❤️
I say this Pitch the Smallest amount questions asked to Entrepreneur .
Dragons didn’t need The info Just those two guys get OUT
"we can't change the company structure"
BRO YOU MADE IT. Where did you mess this up so badly that you can't change it now?!
Deborah looks way hotter now than in the old episodes <3
Peter Jones is an absolute assassin 🔥 Another example of him asking the right questions and cutting right to the chase
Company dissolved August 2016
also, there's actually nothing stopping them later down the line from the parent company reforming to become a distributor / developer hybrid and essentially dissolving the subsidiary company and the dragon would be screwed over.
the arrogance of these men is astounding – they have NO respect for the dragons
have they not seen this show???
"We have a second company".
these two guys are soo dduuummmmmm…………………………………….
Peter is a great businessman, but a terrible human being. He disgusts me!
This is a tech company
Peter: “and I took that personally”
these guys think they’ve got something
don’t ever offer PJ:
‘Police sirons & horns’ 😂
Christ… even the Flow Signals dude was offering equity in his (zero-tech) technology.
These guys are muppets.
People mention Jenny for not investing while I couldn’t remember the last time when Sarah actually made an investment in the den.
Ungracious duo.
They came on the show to advertise themselves, no other reason!
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