How to make a GAME ENGINE

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Woa, how to make a Game Engine is one of the most asked topic here in this channel and the answers are finally here.

People often like to start by learning C++, Python, C# and other languages and jump straight into making an Editor with a barebone renderer in OpenGL, DirectX, Vulkan, but that may not be the best approach. From my experience, the very first thing that you need to know in order to do this is to know the path that you’ll be following in this journey. The challenges you will face and the rough step by step that may be a good idea for you to follow along.

There is no “right answer” when it comes to game engine dev, but from my point of view, the path that I explain in the video will be the most efficient and less frustrating for most people, so it may help you as well in your journey.

► Uniday Studio
By: Guilherme Teres Nunes


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@ricktherickrolled April 26, 2024 - 2:20 am
The reason i want to make a game engine is first because I'll know the game engine really well, and second, main reason is because i dont want my games to be able to be decompiled, that's just not fun, you spend time making game, polishing it, some kid uses a free public tool, steals ur entire game and reuploads it, and you get forgotten, if i make my own engine, will I be able to export my projects and make them undecompilable?
@Blazing_Phoenix_YouTube April 26, 2024 - 2:20 am
One of the reasons why I want to make one is because it will be hard
@quantumgamer6209 April 26, 2024 - 2:20 am
Can you use python to make a game engine IDE with C compiler to complie your python code? I am currently making a game engine in python with C/C++ game dev library but I am using the python version of the C/C++ game dev library like imgui, jolt physics engine, ogre graphics rendering engine, vulkan, bullet physics engine and other C/C++ library and I am using pygame pyglet for 2D and 3D game framework for the game engine. The game engine will be for simple 2D and complex 3D games.
@Cloud5Studios April 26, 2024 - 2:20 am
Você deveria voltar com seu curso de criação de game Engine, ainda mais agora com essas polêmicas sobre muda casa de políticas das engines as buscas por criação de engines aumentaram absurdamente, e vc ensina muito bem
@xijnin April 26, 2024 - 2:20 am
Mano, fui procurar em inglês pra ter mais resultados e acabei no video de um br kkkkk
@landnpr3414 April 26, 2024 - 2:20 am
0:00 mans disappearing because of the knowledge hes learned

guess we live in godot engine, THE BEST PHYSICSS!!!!!
@ExplicandoResumidament April 26, 2024 - 2:20 am
tu é br né?
@phen-themoogle7651 April 26, 2024 - 2:20 am
The process of making a game engine will give you lots of valuable skills though, even if you fail you’ll get a ton out of it. I had gpt4 build me a roadmap of all the skills and knowledge I’ll need to do this (I’ll update it with better LLM or AGI as technology improves over the next years) and I’m going to be learning thousands of things by the end of the journey ,regardless of if I make a good game engine or not maybe I’ll be able to use the skills in just game development and make games without using engines like you mentioned. Or the knowledge I gain will help me prompt something legendary to craft the tools I need for what I want to achieve.
@rmt3589 April 26, 2024 - 2:20 am
After 4:01 this is an amazing video!!! Invaluable information and guidelines, ones of which I'll deffinately be adding to my project plan timeline.
I think I might try to make the solitaire and the text-based adventure just after the planning step, with only a couple tools instead of building enough* of the engine first.

*Was gonna stagger these small games throughout the timeline like milestones. I think I'll make a point to redo them later in the timeline instead now. By enough, I have steps laid out, and it would have been "enough" when I had the minimum tools in the engine to make the respective games.
@CryztalGalaxy April 26, 2024 - 2:20 am
the backwards code in the flipped video at 12:19 is really messing with my head
@Lexyvil April 26, 2024 - 2:20 am
I'm more in-line to make a level editor that's more atuned to the game I'm trying to make than say the Tiles software. It shouldn't be too hard since it just edits the file my game would typically use to build the .exe with.
But to have such a tool be able to run the game, I'm not sure how'd I approach that unless I build it within the game itself.
@mardozuxstudio April 26, 2024 - 2:20 am
your english is nice, helpfull a lot, definatelly, many of time the person want eggs before chicken put it, but you have walk one foot after another, particullary i'm always love to getting deed about "how this work", open the engine, and saw how car runs, but firstival you need the fundations of knowleage, and if don't, you just expend a lot of time in something that you really don't know enought, and eventually, you quit.
I guest, as developer, create a game engine, is something natural wish, after you start making games, but in that moment you need be patient, because you need to evolve a bunch of stuffs and skills after going to create your own game engine
@larsfinlay7325 April 26, 2024 - 2:20 am
muito obrigado meu amigo, I am looking forward to learning. Learning is the fun part for the dev, the game is the fun part for the players. I want to make games that are engaging that also help people learn. thank you for encouraging me while being realistic.
@yuripontuschka4392 April 26, 2024 - 2:20 am
Sotaque brasileiro?
@xyzgaming362-gta_fan April 26, 2024 - 2:20 am
software name???????????????????????
@ProlMLGJoe April 26, 2024 - 2:20 am
>Why I'm making a game engine.

Answer: The game I'm trying to mod is too broken
@ToinkedyDoink April 26, 2024 - 2:20 am
I feel that with a already existing game engine, I would be stuck to its limits. With a custom engine, I’d be able to make my games look how they’re meant to for the past 8 years. I want to tell a quick story. I was in 3rd grade (age 8) and I wasn’t a big fan of video games but Pokémon Sun and Moon had just come out and I was very excited and after watching people play them and playing them myself, I wanted to know where games came from and how they were made. I ended up creating a concept about a card game similar to Pokémon and Yugioh but after my brother and I found out about Temtem, we scrapped it but I ended up taking concepts from that game and throughout years of planning and finally got everything I need to start production. I do plan on making the original game some day to show people how different the game is now. There are 3 versions of the game and it was the card version, the second version which was a bit different and then the current version which is more like Xenoblade and Dragon Quest rather than Pokémon. I am very passionate about game development and I have been since I was 8. Now that I’m 15, I have learned throughout the years what I need to do and I’m very happy that I do. I poured my heart and soul into these games and they’re very important to me. I still have the story and concept art still around for further inspiration. Thank you for reading if you even made it this far.
@shua9347 April 26, 2024 - 2:20 am
@nirupamasamal9561 April 26, 2024 - 2:20 am
Raise hands if you wanna make a game engine for your own convinience
@emotional_stuff April 26, 2024 - 2:20 am
Absolutely cool and useful advices
@asmo_plays April 26, 2024 - 2:20 am
where is the vid for why you should not make a game engine? i can not find it in your channel
@omegafala720 April 26, 2024 - 2:20 am
A vc é br kkkk tinha visto vc fazendo mas mano esse video é bait kkkk
@omegafala720 April 26, 2024 - 2:20 am
@shaw-krowdashsabe2302 April 26, 2024 - 2:20 am
Floating head in the void
@cyanuranus6456 April 26, 2024 - 2:20 am
I Changed My Mind. I Don't like Cython Programming Language No More. I Love Scheme Programming Language Now. I Learn Scheme Programming Language Now. I Want to Write 3D Game Engines in Scheme Programming Language
@Cabinet445 April 26, 2024 - 2:20 am
I'm thinking about making my own game engine not for money but for fun I've burnt out of serious unity development and I wanna try something new
@NoxiusVI April 26, 2024 - 2:20 am
The only reason why I want to make a game engine is because I cannot find any game engines that have a few specific things I want them to have.

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