Episode 13 – Not nearly enough people appreciate the TurboGrafx-16. Here we take a look at a few of the many things that make it so special.
Part 2 of our dedicated TurboGrafx console coverage can be found only 189 episodes in the future here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2oaRXlpCLxg
Check out the Game Sack Episode Guide!
MicheIIe Obama? I just threw up
Shame that the TurboGrafx 16 wasn't successful like the Genesis and SNES, otherwise we could've gotten a TurboGrafx 32, or TurboGrafx 64 if they wanted to jump up to 64 Bit
"Download them on the Wii Virtual Console" Ok! 😭😭😭
Thanks for video, I do have some catching up to do on the TurboGrafx-16/PC Engine
Turbografx was too good for dumb Americans. They just play follow the leader and jump on the bandwagon.
Hey Joe, what about a left in Japan (PC Engine edition) for the TurboGrafx fans in North America? 🙏🏼
I had a good laugh at those automated youtube chapter markers. "Sweater House", "Our Type", "These Three Wanderers" and "YuGiOh".
so cool to see the old old shows. Dang, Dave is so stiff in his reading of his script. "I would recommend this game to anybody even Michelle Obama."
Too bad the US subsidaries of game companies could really mess things up. They sold you a turd, with ugly HuCards as well. Luckily we were under two influences here in Belgium/Netherlands. We got both imports from the UK (the ugly junk you had) and from France, who had a special underground bullet train connection with Japan for importing games, manga and nuclear facilities.
With borders being slaughtered in todays Amazonebayworld, one should focus on the orignal, the white PC Engine, which is cheapest and best to get if you want to get into this best-ever 2D console. And get HuCards. CD-s games are lacking the charm of the HuCard ones. The PC Engine has the best chiptune chip of any console, and the CD games just ignore that.
3:25 whaaaaatttt? You kick in the Jackie Chan OST without telling about this great game? Bad! Really bad!
8:57 is the "Our Type" chapter break spelled that way as a joke or mistake?
love turbografx but I dont understand the things like short controller cable, one controller port, only RF built in. even the NES had AV hookups. it just made the system feel cheap when in reality it was far from it.
Watching you 2 talk about games reminds me of my buddy from school! We talked,traded and sold games with each other from 4 th grade to 12
Ahh, don't bully me Joe! Actually heading to eBay right now. 😄
No Blazing Lazers? Blasphemy!!
For me, it's the Analogue Duo and the Turbo/PC Everdrive.
3:24 – There's no way Dave and I can cover all the games here.
10 years later – I'll cover every game ever made, all by myself!
This video is 10 years old but as usual you're my go-to guys for finding games on obscure (to me) systems. I'm on a roll with retro games at the mo and I'm always down for your recommendations. So glad you're still doing your thing, GameSack.
Hey past Joe, this is guy from the future again. The lighting on your stop animation scenes is pretty unstable, you need to talk to future Joe and figure out what he is doing. Okthxbai
I'm thinking about importng a Core Grafx one day, but I have a few questions…
Do I need an adapter to plug it in?
Will it work in an American outlet?
Will it blow up if I leave it in the outlet for too long?
Someone please give me answers!!! I just want to play my Bonk!!!
What people don't understand is the great technological leap that 16-bit sounds and graphics are from 8-bit. Switching from 8-bit to 16-bit was just an incredible experience and the games show it. Of course today that gets lost, I went through that leap and the memories I have of the 16-bit TurboGrafx are amazing.
Enjoy the channel
Neutopia is a great LOZ clone and Ninja Spirit is Fire! 🔥
Not sure I understand the Michelle comment…..
Gotta admit, that's probably the best possible name for a gaming console
When I was a youngin, for some reason, I actually wanted this system over every other one on the market. It was when it first came out and I guess it was because it WAS so different thats why I wanted it. I loved it and hung on to it , defending it until the end lol ….cool to see it get SOME props!😁
This is the 1st episode where the Game Sack that we know, found it’s form. What a jump in production and pacing!
But man, there’s something oh so sweet about those raw doggin’ early episodes.
At 12 minutes the music is from Dragon Spirit. Great soundtrack!
That soundtrack has always been kickass
I was raped by a TurboGrafx
For me I like PC Engine JP Console, TurboExpress portable console play HuCard and TurboDuo Console plays Hucard, CD and Super CD. That Volfied was my first HuCard PC Engine game that I ever play when I was a 13 years old in 2014
Him: Good luck finding this at your local store.
Me: Finds 3 Turbo Grafx 16 in one store.
dave and joe agreeing on video games? more likely then you think, especially when neither sega nor nintendo are involved.
Quest mode for Final Lap Twin was the best.
People don't realize how powerful this console was! It has a advanced 8 bit cpu running at 7.16 MH with a 21 bit address bus!! And had two 16 bit graphics processors capable of 512 available colors and 482 on screen colors, 241 for backgrounds and 241 for sprites, and 16 colors for each sprite! Although only one background layer but it can put sprites in front or behind that background layer! They could put multiple sprites connected together behind the background layer and multiple sprites connected together in front of the background layer and and pull of a convincing parallax scrolling effect along with line scrolling that could easily match the two layers of parallax scrolling of the genesis and four layers of the SNES!!!!! All in all even though it is a 8 bit console it could easily make games to match any 16 bit console of that generation!!!! It's really a 8/16 bit console! U can call it a really powerful 8 bit console or a 8 bit console capable of producing 16 bit graphics!!!! What ever you call it it is and was awesome!!!!!!!!
Dave's line reading is so bad it's good, very good actually.
5:48 its not becuse its rare that its 100 dollars. its becuse of people like you who thinks it worth every penny!! thanks for keeping the prices up and unaffordable for most game collectors.
Fab vid, really fun.
Background music is too much. I wish you can do a new video of this system.
Edit: Nevermind, found the new video.
I have a TG16 console with turbo booster adapter that I'm trying to hook up to my
but I keep getting blue/white/green/tan screens. I tried 5 different games but the result is the same. Can it be the system, or the turbo booster? Someone told me the Hucards may be bad, but what are the odds of 5 games failing? Also, the console & games haven't been used in about 18 years. They were all kept in climate controlled area. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!
Any chance of reviewing the new TurboGrafx 16 Mini?
What’s the song that starts at 0:47 ???
You don’t use the word “colourful” in a horror setting Dave! Wrong place to use it! It feels right to use it in a cute and happy world, not in a dark and scary world! “I wuv bwite n kuwurfuw gwafix!” Everybody seems to love bright and colourful graphics and hate dark (and if it’s colourless I get it) graphics. Since when does anybody ever say “use of colour” when it should be “use of colour palettes”. It really irritates me when they say colourful, wow people are easily impressed by graphical colours. What does better colour palettes mean? More details I guess. It doesn’t really need to be said people, colour is there and it always will be (except the original Game Boy of course), I’m not colourblind, I see all the colours in the world.
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