Take a look at the BEST VR (Virtual Reality) games that are currently being developed in Unreal Engine 5, Unreal Engine 4 and Unity. These incredible games have been recently announced and will come out in PlayStation VR2 in 2023 and 2024.
00:00 Wanderer: The Fragments of Fate (Unreal Engine 4)
02:08 Arashi: Castles of Sin (Unity)
03:24 Pneumata VR (Unreal Engine 5)
04:19 STRIDE Fates (Unreal Engine 4)
05:46 Low-Fi (Unity)
07:13 Synapse (Unreal Engine 5)
09:28 Crossfire: Sierra Squad (Unreal Engine 5)
10:43 Assassin’s Creed Nexus VR (Unity)
12:06 Firewall Ultra (Unreal Engine 5)
13:05 MADiSON VR (Unity)
14:16 Grimlord (Unreal Engine 4)
#ue5 #unrealengine #unrealengine5
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Take a look at the BEST VR (Virtual Reality) games that are currently being developed in Unreal Engine 5, Unreal Engine 4 and Unity. These incredible games have been recently announced and will come out in PlayStation VR2 in 2023 and 2024.
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Too bad the very first game you show is in Unreal Engine 4 lol. Might want to include that in your title my guy and not in your pinned comment Also Assassins Creed Nexus isn't confirmed for PSVR2.
Stride and the binja one actuslly look really good
But still starfield can give us (xsx) users,60fps in 2023….
If the ps5 getting a browser one day
I will buy this thing but Not for Video Games 🙃
Good to see VR games improving. Still waiting until we get VR AAA PC titles running same ultra setting on at least of 4k+ per eye OLED display at 120hz to jump on board maybe with 6/7090 series of Nvida GPUs
1:26 😱🥹
The VR is ZERO capable of this screen rendered resolution. Clown
So… I can't have Assassin's Creed Nexus VR on VR2 but Madison the stuff of horrors will be on there… no!!! I need AC!
Wow thats cool😮
I have rarely played it, but Zelda in VR would be something. And Mario!! wow!! N64 (that was as far as I got sorry)
Just guys imagin Half-life 3 with unreal engine 5
If only Elden ring was VR
What a Game that would be
Wanderer: The Fragments of Fate could be the next big thing like Half Life: Alyx!
They need to make bionic commando or rygar vr
Looks like PS3 Uncharted.
Is this psvr Frank?😮😮😊 12:59
I just hope that Assassin Creed gets released on the PSVR2. 🤞
I wished i could buy Assassins creed pn psvr
Wow amzing list. Wanderer looks like last of us, and LowFi looks like cyberpunks
I Cant be the only one who screamed when seeing there making a vr version of assassin creed
This is false advertising. PSVR2 is incapeble of delivering such image quality.
I hate waiting man 😭
Wanderer! Damn this makes me wish I had bought a PS5 as opposed to a PC… Updating after seeing the end. It's coming to PC!!!
Don’t be afraid to release all of these on pc too
Omg now this is the type of graphics I want and need from VR after all the money I put into the headset
Low-Fi looks great:)
Why because this generation don't know quantum leap. Which is more relevant today than you have researched yet if your on youtube
The game looks good but those are not ULTRA REALISTIC graphics. Cmon, looks like most of the games 15 years ago. I know is VR and is way heavier to process graphics than regular PC games, but at least do not say the word REALISTIC to those "clay made" faces
assasins is gonna come to psvr2???
Patiently waiting for a true open world game in vr. Something like GTA or fallout vibes
parecen juegos de hace 10 años atras.
C est cool et des jeux qui ont tous l air super mais ça reste généralement du panpan dans les choix
И что здесь ультра реалистичного?? Обычная графика как в HL2, даже чуть хуже.
This looks terrible without tray racing.
80% игры очень плохие и не стоят внимания
Graphics are great and all but if gameplay sucks the game isn’t good. And climbing in vr just suuucks in my opinion. Didn’t play Wanderer so my comment ain’t worth much. Nice thumbnail for the video tho making people think it’s a PlayStation vid
This might as well be the playstation vr showcase
Mdr sony 😂🤢🤮🤮
best vr game = VAM
The most impressive thing about all of these videos clips…. VR finally gave us arms!! I legitimately have stayed away from VR because I thought it was ridiculous to have all this technology but not have arms in the games. Now I will dive into it.
Really wish I could afford a ps5 and a psvr2 🥹
Wow finally arms
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