In this High School Musical spoof, Troy Bolton (Zac Efron) returns to East High to tell the graduating class that no one sings or dances in college and Walt Disney (Darrell Hammond) invites Troy back to High School Musical. [Season 34, 2009]
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Why does troy sound like me after I graduated high school
Hmmm I know this video is 10 years old but really?….no captions? Lame. You know its just a button right? It takes literally no effort to add captions any video on youtube but whatever.
People that went back and "visited" their HS after they graduated were the most disgusting, embarrassments.
cute….but Walt Disney?? Ummm, that makes zero sense.
🎶 I thought every high school was musical. 🎶
The "right Troy?" from Kenan kills me every time
Funnily enough, my school sings before every class
I can't tell you how many times I've gone back to this video just to hear "right Troy"😂
Not America's only singing high school. You also got McKinley High in Lima and the school from Fame
Ms. Darby was the teacher who encouraged the students to break the status quo. Troys own father wanted him to stop shaking things up
High school musical will always be gay
I think Zac almost broke character after Kenan hit him with the "Right Troy?"
4:16 wait… "jewish space lasers" predate MTG? 😂
I love how Zac Efron momentarily breaks character on the Keenan’s line delivery 😂
Word of advice look at you who are you talking to😂😂😂😂😂😂
Back off no one sings at college😂😂😂😂😂😂
Then the music started and then I had to
Eastside forever😂😂😂😂😂
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