Home Tech Desert Tech MDR 1000 Round Revew

Desert Tech MDR 1000 Round Revew

by admin

One of the best bullpup rifles on the market put through 1000 rounds in all weather conditions over several months to see how it really preforms.

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@believe722 April 23, 2024 - 4:35 pm

After 4 or 5 years is this rifle still available? Or is there an upgraded less expensive version that you would recommend?

@dylanmccallister1888 April 23, 2024 - 4:35 pm

I’m considering this as the everything rifle. It’s compact like an sbr for a truck gun or home defense, it’s able to work as a hunting rifle, it can be a battle rifle too

Idk this seems better for the money than continuing to add uppers to the ever growing collection of uppers

@reelfishing002 April 23, 2024 - 4:35 pm

2:21 the rifle is smoking near the upper rail 😳 not sure if that’s a ok thing

@diegosalazar5653 April 23, 2024 - 4:35 pm

Where did you buy this? I want this with a binary trigger

@markvonschober6872 April 23, 2024 - 4:35 pm

Cool rifle nonetheless……
Would be my second choice after the Tavor X95 (just seems more battle proven).

@chrissinclair4442 April 23, 2024 - 4:35 pm

Ahhh yes. The sweet, sweet soulful crooning of the Kingston Group, child forced labor, child brides and incest.

@Diaszurana April 23, 2024 - 4:35 pm

I'm definitely intrigued by bullpups, and I just ordered my first one (Tavor TS12) and can't wait to try it out. I am concerned about using 5.56 for home defense out of a full sized barrel though. If that frangible ammo doesn't "frange," overpenetration will be ridiculous! I guess that's fine for our rural friends, but suburban and urban homes really are taking innocent bystanders ' lives in their hands using one of these gems for home defense.

I wouldn't do it…

@etherealceleste April 23, 2024 - 4:35 pm

The only thing you need to know: Stock 6.5 Creedmoor Bullpup

@tonybailey89 April 23, 2024 - 4:35 pm

I love the excellent feedback on the trigger, the 223 Wyld chambering, the 5 position adjustable gas block for suppression, short stroke piston and FDE and seems great for a home defense and mid range bench gun…however I have seen some consistent reports of failure to feed issues any comment on if this has been fixed with the latest MDRX SE version of this rifle?

@Ender_Wiggin April 23, 2024 - 4:35 pm

Cant wait for the 22lr that way i can get all the trigger pulls

@ronmatson5502 April 23, 2024 - 4:35 pm

308 great round
NOT a brush gun round,not a Spitzer style bullet in the world

@JLawL April 23, 2024 - 4:35 pm

Anyone considering this rifle, buy it. I’m now pushing close to 17 THOUSAND rounds, no jams, no misfires. This thing is an easy choice over the x95.

@blacklilac1408 April 23, 2024 - 4:35 pm

Could you review the Keltech rdb?

@coryw.5755 April 23, 2024 - 4:35 pm

My .223 Wylde is super accurate, couldn't believe the groups I got from this thing. My Aug has been collecting dust ever since this thing came home with me.

@scottpatterson5470 April 23, 2024 - 4:35 pm

I recently purchased the new Desert Tech MDRX 308 and have had nothing but problems. The manufacturer is slow to respond doesn’t fully address the scope of failures this rifle has presented and is clearly only interested in selling crap. Out of the box this rifle will not shoot 308 ammo consistently. My riffle ejected the magazine after the first round was fired. The manufacturer suggests that I should bend the magazine catch to fix the problem. They also indicate they will send me a new catch but I have been waiting 3 weeks now and nothing. The first batch of ammo I put thru it was 308 150 grain solid tip hunting/target round. The riffle would only lightly dimple the primer on every other round and then jam in the bolt carrier while trying to eject an unspent round. It would end up with two rounds jammed in the chamber. I moved to a higher end 7.62 bulk mill spec ammo and the riffle would cycle the ammo on the Advanced gas block setting as long as the forward eject panel was removed allowing the casings to fly out of the side. The 7.62 casing often jam in the forward eject panel or miss it and get jammed between the bolt carrier and forward eject panel. After about 800 rounds the rifle will cycle 7.62 ammo on one setting towards Suppressed and 308 ammo on Normal. The forward eject panel still does not cooperate with the 7.62 casing. The riffle really does not like Easter European 7.62 ammo as they tend to get stuck in the chamber and if the gas is turned up too high the rifle will rip the rims off. And for whatever reason the rifle does not like soft tip 308 ammo, usually lightly dimpling every other round and causing a double round in the chamber jam. Out of the box the trigger would stick. After each round fired you might have to wait a couple seconds listening for the reset click or tap on the side to get it to reset. Upon internal inspection it appears the trigger rod is stamped out of metal and the process creates burrs on the back side of the trigger rod that rub on the plastic lower housing. In addition, removing the rear trigger assembly reveals the latch that catches the trigger hammer is cutting a groove in the notch it is supposed to catch. I have recently replaced the rear trigger assembly but have yet to test it. One of the four screws on the right hand side above the pistol grip fell out and was lost during the first day shooting. On the second day of shooting the casing ejection port dust cover began falling apart. The hinge pin works its way out, the clasp does not hold the door closed and the spring does not hold it open any longer. Desert Techs response: “send it in and we will fix it”. That’s all well and good as an idea but I still have not received the parts promised me from three weeks ago. Something at the rear of the rifle appears to be deforming as the rear push pin requires additional effort to reinstall as the rifle wears in. As it is now you have to have a buddy compress two of the tree components while you apply pressure to the third and insert the pin.

In summary Desert Techs marketing script couldn’t be further from the truth. This is the least reliable weapon I have ever owned. I wouldn’t lug this thing hunting and certainly wouldn’t trust my life to it. It is an extremely overpriced range talking piece and that is it.

Furthermore, you will likely not find many negative review as the manufacturer spends more time and effort on PR than they do manufacturing. My ip address was blocked from viewing and contributing to their blog because I am not a satisfied customer.

@Doruletz1999 April 23, 2024 - 4:35 pm

I also own a Desert Tech MDRX, the 5.56 mm NATO version. I guess it's the 2nd Gen…
Bought it in October 2020, from Shoot Point Blank, and paid about $2,300 USD with a Sig Sauer Romeo MSR scope.
A very elegant rifle, works great, never had any problems with it so far.

@genesislewis6030 April 23, 2024 - 4:35 pm

Guys go on and patronize *expansion2 on wickr * he is the one I ever see who is fast in shipping goods he is trustworthy and reliable I got mine from him thanks bro

@flixman4717 April 23, 2024 - 4:35 pm

Badassery my friend 👍🏽🇺🇸 would’ve loved to see the other handgaurd on

@dawizze1 April 23, 2024 - 4:35 pm

This thing take AR mags? Can't seem to find anything about the magazine. Curious if its proprietary or not.

@AnnoDominiMCMXCV April 23, 2024 - 4:35 pm

1:15 wth was that?

@buttersstotch6854 April 23, 2024 - 4:35 pm

Do they made a 338 specter barrel for this?

@phil.l.1327 April 23, 2024 - 4:35 pm

Hey HO, any chance if I could see the MDR with the most advanced attachments that you have? Please and thank-you.

@ab5olut3zero95 April 23, 2024 - 4:35 pm

We need a binary trigger for this last week

@jbizzle9984 April 23, 2024 - 4:35 pm

In the ammo shortage, 308 is cheaper than 556 lol.

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