This is a totally new RTS game with Base building, a game like Command and Conquer, Supreme Commander and Earth 2140, made in the Unreal Engine 4 by a solo ex modder, turned amateur indie developer. It is set in a modern/future setting with base building, resource gathering and real time vehicle combat called Hyperwar ( old name – Paths to Supremacy).
🧨Game Development UPDATE:
💥Official YouTube developer channel :
🔎The Doctor YT channel :
0:00 Explanation
0:42 Singleplayer & Features
1:53 Development
2:57 Day & Night cycle
3:42 Units & Turrets
5:07 Camera & Maps
6:20 Resources
7:17 Power & Radar
8:05 Control range
9:11 Fuel & Ammo
10:48 Building zone & walls
11:20 AI and future updates
12:19 Conclusion
👓Game Previews:
Here is a totally new RTS game project from a solo developer made in the Unreal Engine 4 and inspired by Command and Conquer, Supreme Commander and Earth 2140! Currently called Paths to Supremacy and already three years in development it looks stunning considering it is made by a single amateur game developer and ex ARMA modder with Unreal Marketplace assets he reworked to fit his vision.
Now do keep in mind there is no multiplayer planned for this game, it will be strictly a single player experience as multiplayer would exceed the resources and time this developer has. Another important thing to note is that instead of factions there will be an extensive research tree in the game and so while you start off from a generic futuristic military faction you develop it into a unique one every time you play as you research and apply new tech. Add to this the dynamic of always starting from a new randomly generated starting position and you will have much more variety than you might think at first glance.
A very interesting and rarely used feature in such RTS games will be actual fuel and ammo used by units and turrets which needs to be resupplied, but if you dislike this feature you will be able to turn it off.
Every map in Paths to Supremacy will have a more or less distinctive heightmap and landscape. This is not a typical feature for an RTS game, as most of them have very flat terrain. Sure there are mountains and rivers and such, but they aren’t playable, just for show. But in this game
landscape is part of the difficulty, because with different highs and lows on the map. The buildings and turrets cannot be built everywhere and their lines of fire will be limited by obstructions like rocks or hills.
As development continues the research tree will be implemented, after which helicopters are planned to be added as units. Shields and outpost will be interesting additions after that, giving more defensive options to the player.
Proper enemy AI with base building is another big upcoming feature, along with smaller ones like new sounds and music, user interface update, tutorial missions and all the other features you would need to properly play a game like this.
Newest gameplay including artillery and helicopters:
Amazing. Great job!
Чисто алабамский акцент.
As long as a player can choose to enable/disable the necessity for logistics support (fuel, ammo, etc.), I see it as a welcome addition and nice change, as it adds an additional dimension to the game. But it should be a feature or dimension that can be disabled, if someone wants to play a more traditional C&C style skirmish.
Wehrmacht is strong in this one!
This looks like a updated Earth 2150 😍
a visual improvement would be to make the tank shells less of a "glowing plasma ball" and more like a tracer round
what is the name of the game ?
looks fun
Is there a site, or an official topic somehwere or any aditional info?
8:59 Warcraft has that
WoW amazing , hat up dude , but imagine the same work for Star Wars Empire At War …….. !!!!!!
a game with no mp is basically dead to me. but it looks like it could be fun!
There is not such a thing as "RTS without base building". That is called an RTT.
"There is no multiplayer planned for this game…" clicks off video
Alight, who ripped off battledawn to make this rts? jk, this sounds cool.
This looks amazing for one person team, this could be next big rts continues direction, plenty of unit types and towers gonna be good. Guessing plans to do air maybe stealth units or underground? What about water units? Or superunits? Love the lazer fences loved them in tiberium sun. Don't be afraid to experiment and innovate make it your own bro, it your passion work.
It would be kinda cool if you can toggle lights on/off at night on vehicles to add a little bit of stealth game play.
Westwood should reform and hire this man as lead developer. Get Joseph David Kucan back for the cutscenes.
something i loved off the bat isnt the solo dev.
ITS HIS Realistic SCOPE of developing the game
People underestimate balancing/creation/content etc.
No MP is a smart move, no factions and a simple tech tree to upgrade your army is a very smart route he chose.
I am still skeptical on gameplay however.
Take into consideration Sudden strike, and the later C&C games where A.I. Complexties were higher.
Here I'm doubting he has made battle plans/maneuvars for the enemy per difficulty.
Other than that Im glad to see solo dev do this…
Will you do film with explanation how is this built in unreal engine or is it possible to download this project?
As a solo dev working on my own game project, this is such inspiration to keep pushing while understanding it'll take a long time to complete.
hope they make MECHCOMMANDER 3 using Unreal Engine.. Desert Area just like Deserts of Kharak HomeWorld but MechCommander game with small mechs on the ground..
HOW MANY RTSes are coming out in this year or the next?
It's like the knew my BoA would finish and I would then be able to start making actual money….
Wow, grahpics are really stunning (something which barely happens in the RTS genre nowadays).
WOW looking very good.
muy buen trabajo, cuando se podremos probar el juego ?
hi i love rts games , where can i download this project
Looks nice, did it take a lot of changing the internals of Unreal Engine for performance with many units?
10:50 Game ruined!
Hi whats a name of this game ?
Having just watched a tutorial on how to import the google maps terrain into UE5 I'm now imagining a game like this on the real world map…
no multiplayers means AI + campaign only which means extensive knowledge of storytelling and AI coding. Unless the creator is really good at that too, I fail to see how this game can be interesting for a player. Sure it seems to look pretty good etc, but with Sanctuary RTS replacing SupCom soonTM, and Global Conflagration being a mix between Generals and Act Of War, both offering MP, I don't see where this game sits.
So it have any name?
Would play if it ever gets MP
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