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By: Guilherme Teres Nunes
Ok, I did it again, folks! This time with a released Engine in the end (so you can download it): https://youtu.be/faqea0RZSDc
did you use direct x or opengl.
can you make a how to make game engine tutorial series ?
Can you compile the game that created on the editor to an .exe file ? if yes how to do that ? how does that exactly work ?
game engine in opengl:😀
game engine in directx:☠
I want to direct a game engine, but I wonder how much you would charge if you were hired to make this project? Also could you make a nanite engine? Polygon per pixel dynamic tesselation?
Hmm maybe trying building an NES Emulator from scratch in 40 hours in your language of choice…
Hi dear can you help me out with a game engine project
Self taught?
I learn the exact same way you described as well and your video made it clear to me that where this path goes !!! Thank You, and subscribed 😁
I'm making a 2d game engine, I have little things done in the last 8 days, and I see you and your engine made in 30 hours… Damm I'm slow xd
I'm a huge fan of the source engine, so if I ever make my own engine, it'd be a lot like the source engine.
This will be my downfall.
Muito obrigado, o meu irmão mais velho chama-se Guiherme.O meu irmão, um em cada três, disse para pin.Adoro os teus vídeos eles inspiram-me e eu só quero agradecer-te por tudo o que fazes e quando estou aborrecida, triste ou até devastada☺, sei para onde ir os teus vídeos são incríveis nunca ouvir os haters pls fazer uma pausa, fazer um descanso, adoro os teus vídeos.
Imagine someone creating a game engine by copying everything in this timelapse XD
My skills on scratch: 🧠
My skills with code scripting: 🥜
Can you please help me to
Edit another game engine….
My guy made unity in 30hr
what books do you recommed me for learn some of that?
This is legit my dream – Now I normally use a popular game engine but I want to try this; this made me so HYPED im gonna start !
Due to your accent I keep hearing you say Game Asian 😅
well you could take part of the memory management if you used a performance programming language with GC..like C#
The Japanese back in the 2000's tend to make their engine in-house, some of them are even look better than what the West offered that time.
please reply what language and what IDE you used.
Good, What is your server group or group ?
Bro I’m not kidding work with a team to bring this engine to the next level ik when I see success
no words that could help me in start making an engine
I sort of created a diverse 3D Engine through Python/Tkinter/PyS60 which worked great for the Nokia500 360×640 hoping somebody will soon enough make a Py2JS 3D Engine maybe even from my project… which that pursuit ended when Nokia suddenly sank because of Android. For 3 years… I was addicted to playing my own unique games, especially one of them that generates over a billion unique puzzles which some of them are most likely impossible to solve called 20+Steps which many of my friends also paid me $25 for… now waiting for the Android version.
Bro you are brazilian because i never see before a guy with guilherme and nunes without been brazilian
Redo this challenge
I've been developing a voice assistant for about 4 years now and this is what he gets done in 30 hours. I will pay good money to hire him.
8:03 there is a typo it’s supposed to be in instead of int
Okay, I have one thing to say:
absolute madlad
This Game engine is good for game devs
Can you please make a tutorial series or tutorial to make a simple game engine?
Thank You 🙏 I Am Making My Own Cartoon Show And A Video Game 🎮 One ☝️ Day
caraca, esse sotaque br tá muito aparente kkk
pô irmão, me salvou ein, tô querendo aprender a produzir games e acho que a parte mais complicada pra mim é a engine em si, mas ainda bem que tem pessoas como você pra ajudar, tmj!
from vn good bro thanks
It would be awesome to see you host a game engine jam.
share the source code please i'm interested and i wan't to learn the source code for more experience.
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