One of the biggest challenges for Hollywood’s stunt performers is creating flight that is both safe and believable. Since George Reeves portrayed Superman in the 1950s, movies and TV shows have used an endless variety of wires, pans, and other rigs to lift actors up high. The best tools depend on the type of flying on-screen. A huge breakthrough came in 1978’s “Superman” when a visual effects artist discovered a way to operate the camera so that Christopher Reeve would appear to be flying even when he was lying flat. Today, many of those same wire and camera tricks are still used. However, digital doubles can make even the most dangerous flying tricks possible, while flying moves can be programmed in advance into a robotic arm, as seen in “Black Widow.” Elizabeth Olsen’s stunt double, CC Ice, told us about the many ways both Marvel’s “Avengers: Infinity War” and “WandaVision” made Wanda Maximoff fly.
Thanks to everyone who spoke with us and shared footage for this story:
CC Ice –
Rob Inch –
Dayna Grant –
Christiaan Bettridge:
Zac Henry:
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How Flying Scenes Are Shot For Movies And TV | Movies Insider | Insider
1:37 that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. The writer is a moron.
Personally I enjoy the process of making a movie than I sometimes enjoy the actual movie, I like to see the team of actors cg artists and everyone else show their parts into making these a lot more!
I remember as a kid I dreamt I could fly, when I woke I thought it was true. Still my best dream even from those after puberty.
"Any technology that is sufficiently advanced is indistinguishable from magic."
The genre reset in either 1989 Batman or 2001 Superman, actually.
I guess one of the first UFO sightings was actually Superman.
2000s backward
Being a stunt double must be the most amazing job ever!
I love flying
I love flying
Lovely flying scenes
Man of Steel has the best flying scence ever
Very nice video
Ben Nigh the Camera Guy
Superman in comics…. First jumped building to building, till they made him fly
Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird…it's a plane…no, it's a man in his underwear!
How many takes for just saying "parallelogram" as a tongue twister
Nice edit.
I love the amount of work that takes to create just one simple scene.
Super cool
David Copperfield was the first to fly with No apparent wires…
Why do almost all of them do that weird leg lift thing when "flying"?
1:40 if that's the Hoover Dam back then, everyone should be depressed at how low it is now
It's A flying ManTechnique From Chinese Movie.
So its fake?
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