The Concorde was once the peak of cutting-edge aircraft design and a status symbol for the world’s elite travelers. But the horrific 2000 crash of flight 4590 marked a turning point for this iconic aviation brand.
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From: AIR DISASTERS: Concorde – Up in Flames
Concorde was the safest aircraft as it was only flown by the airline's best. 747, 737 and 777 killed a lot more ppl but they didnt get the negative press. Airbus wanted the concorde gone no matter what as the french couldnt make money on it while the british were making bank, it made the french look incompetent so it was big nono.
Also if president kennedy hadnt stopped the american airlines from buying it im sure it would still be maintained today by american enthusiasts.
Unacceptable blunder from someone else debris left on the runway smh🚬
The "No!" In 3:32 sounds kinda sad
Ok I am not sure but wasn’t dead mouse gonna go on that plane but he didn’t 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
Now with these G-wagons you really need diesal or else you'LL ruin the engine-ruh
Sometimes cheap airfares save your life
Expensive, cramped and unpleasant. But the Formula 1 car of the skies. London to NY in under 3 hours. But plagued with faults and malfunctions for more than 2 decades. And this accident was one of the things that also sealed the deal that Concorde, as a business, was finished. 9000 dollars per ticket and at that time… Guess what you would have to pay today for a 3h ticket. No matter what airplane you can construct, that is capable of that speed or beyond, that is insane prices. Even the Soviet Russians knew it with their Tupolev Tu-144.
Both a marvel and a curse of the Atomic Space Age. For both sides.
Thank you for sharing and rip to the victims of what once was.
Thank you.
I felt sad
What was happened?
Start start up, pull up, pull up, pull up up up up up up impact
How was this a CONCORD fault???I know people died but it was still NOT concord fault…
moms rains heard good cry
nanoo nanoo bm si
weimeraner frey
gregs courtesy flush
nabisco shredded wheat mush
rains anal tear hush
American documentaries are so dumb
Fact: this crash happened after Air France and 3 other founded SkyTeam.
That music at the end like nothing happened 😂
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