Chloe’s rehearsal of her solo, “Soaring” has Christi and Abby wondering if she’s given up and lost her passion for dance in this clip from Season 4, Episode 31, “Hollywood Here We Come, Part 2”. #AbbyLeeMiller #DanceMoms #ALDC #ChloeLukasiak #ChristiLukasiak
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“Dance Moms” follows Abby Lee Miller and the nation’s favorite tween dancers as they take on Hollywood while new auditions, new competitions, and new studios raise the stakes.
The road has not been easy for “Dance Mom’s” star Abby Lee Miller. After completing her prison sentence last year, the famed dance instructor was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. But if anything, Abby has proven she is a fighter and is not ready to hang up the dance shoes. The new season of Dance Moms follows Abby as she rebuilds her dance company while battling the after-effects of cancer that has left her confined to a wheelchair. Abby is ready to get back to her life and do what she loves most…teaching students to dance! With the goal of putting her life, health and dance studio back together, Abby returns to where it all began – the Abby Lee Dance Company in Pittsburgh.
Cathy is a Christi Stan 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Chloe really grew up fast and has beautiful body, technique and facial expressions on stage❤
so let me get this straight, SHE WON A SOLO and Abby still gets mad 😢 AND MAKES FUN OF HER EYES?
I hate the fact they didn’t include what she said about her eye, so all they heard was her saying she was washed up and they didn’t show anything else that abbey said
4:53 Holly 😅😰 haha lol 😂
But how did we get to know that the producers edited it?
Oh 4:31 drama 🌏💀
The fact that the only members of the Aldc team who was sad when Christi and Chloe left was Kendall if you look when Abby hugged her she was crying
4:55 she actually said “get that eye fixed” not “You’re kids washed up” the producers toke the audio from the fight of abby and cathy.
Chloe is so cute
Chloe was the sweetest kid and everyone including Maddie and Mackenzie were hateful to her. It was hard to watch her heart breaking.
Everyone has crying cause Chloe left and Abby hugged them but then it happened to Chloe yes to Chloe and she didn’t do anything
Please turn to Jesus and repent if you haven't. Jesus's love is like no other and he will transform your life. God bless you ✨️✝️✨️
Christi was totally right ❤ the show edited what she said but she actually said “Go get your child eye fixes”
Chloe was amazing dancer but why did Abby say Chloe is finished from Dance moms
Abby was evil. She killed Chloe's confidence slowly. That is what made it so horrible.
Maybe Chloe will make a comeback one day
I don't know why im pointing this out but the all have matching Louis Vuitton bags
Bro Abby is messed up Chloe actually did good and then Abby just ruined it by telling her she is done🥺
I just finished season 4 and I just have to say that Maddie and Chloe are both phenomenal dancers in their own right. Maddie is a brilliant performer. She knows how to sell a number. However, I don’t know that the expression that shoes through in her dancing is sincere. It sometimes appears “rehearsed”. Chloe dances from her heart. There is a humbleness, honesty, and sincerity that shows through when she dances. That is why she won the award “beautiful heart”. I also feel that Abby wants Chloe to not only fail but she wants her to crack and become this jealous mean girl. However, Chloe has a heart of gold and that infuriated Abby because Abby never got her reaction to validate her thoughts and she never will.
Wait what….. at the last moment Abby begins to hug the other girls bc they are crying but technically it’s Abby’s fault she shouldn’t have gone that far. 😢
the fact that maddie said no to dance because she made that decision for her friends to perform was heartwarming, but chloe still ended up leading because of abby…
I hated melissa and maddie when they didn’t confront anyone
That fact only kendall was GENUINELY crying for chloe and heartbroken/sad that she left, that is how a true friend should react and act, u can agree or disagree idc, there I'm done I said my part.
when Christi talkt about chloe not dancing with passion and chloe was standing tere when Christi walkt away made my cry
What if Cathy said Chloe is washed
Look Abby lee miller in Laguna Beach high school my 10th grade year I did the train dance with Avalon bencz my best friend and ceese and Cameron Carla Flores my best friend I miss seeing and rylie Anderson
I can’t stand Christi but I feel so awful for her and Chloe in this episode. I’ve always loved Chloe and seeing her leave on such a tough note is so sad I wish she would have left peacefully. I’m glad her mom finally took her out of there.
Can someone say what episode this was?
Im sorry hut CHRISITS face at 5:06 💀 😱😱😱😱
You can tell that she insulted her eye because of Christie’s reaction. Unfortunately Abby says stuff like “washed up” all the time and when she supposedly said Chloe was washed up it looked to personal to Christi and Chloe.
Chloe was always my favorite dancer. When she left I barely even wanted to watch the show anymore. (SPOILER INCOMING) When Maddie and McKenzie left I barely even cared about the show anymore. Chloe was an inspiration and always so sweet and kind to the other girls and in general. It broke my heart when Abby made fun of her eye and I can’t even notice anything. She was a graceful beautiful dancer and person and it was sad to see her go but probably better for her mental health in the long run.
This is so sad:(
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