Kate Middleton dons the Strathmore Rose tiara—a headpiece once belonging to the Queen Mother that has not been publicly worn for nearly nine decades—to a royal banquet with Prince William.
#KateMiddleton #PrinceWilliam #ENews
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Kate Middleton Sparkles While Wearing RARE Diamond Tiara! | E! News
Love you!!!!!… Princess Catherine. ❤❤❤
Rehanna loves her.
Eat your heart out Megan
Love Catherine but not the AI voiceover
She is not Kate Middleton its Princess of Wales Kate! If you don't know please educate yourself 😂
Kate is so stunning…then why was she seated behind the candelabra? Camilla jealousy ?
She was perfection: elegant, beautiful, stunning!!!
Calling HRH Catherine, Princess of Wales Kate Middleton shows your ignoramus, unprofessionalism and American supremacy mindset by being disrespectful to other's culture and titles! E! For E!WAN!!!
Catherine, Princess of Wales … NOT Kate Middleton. She hasn't been a Middleton since 2011, and no one in the UK or the Commonwealth would refer to her as Kate ever again – not since Her Majesty died well over a year ago and she became Catherine, Princess of Wales. She is a FUTURE QUEEN, and has EARNED our respect. I only ask that you show her the same respect, as she so deserves. Thank you.
I know you have the Trash from Montishitshow on the brain,but when writing about a future Queen,her title is HRH Catherine Princess of Wales.See if you can get it right
Stunning is the word. Kudos to the princess of wales.
Omg! Who is the “ milk maiden” walking with Prince William!! What an ugly outfit!!!!
Princess Catherine 💜💜💜
Meanwhile women and children are being killed in Palestine because of the british colonizers ! No one care about Kates stupid alice band ..
Well she fades around Meghan despite all the media hype… Despite how the press try to turn ordinary Kate to a princess..
Classy and Always gorgeous Princess Catheine.❤❤❤
Americans calling Catherine kate Middleton is insulting. Her name is Catherine Princess of Wales.
Get the Royal titles corect , its HRH Catherine the Princess of Wales, its either a lack of due diligence as a reporter, laziness, or a deliberate snub to The Princess… I bet youd not refer to the late Princess of Wales as Diana Spencer …
Кейт держит прекрасную осанку и носит шикарную тиару а в это время где то в другом месте Мегашка держит в руке бокал….
She looks stunning. She is class all the way. She is lovely. Delightful. Intelligent.
The most attractive part about her is she doesn't let it go to her head. And, she's beautiful. Who could ask for anything more? She would make a wonderful Queen. She already is one. In my opinion.
Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales is the epitome of beauty, elegance and grace!❤️❤️❤️
Hey if you got the legs then use them..Go Catherine ❤🦵💃 I can guarantee you dishes were being smashed in the montecito kitchen
How out of date are you??? Kate Middleton? Best you do some research! Middleton was Catherine's family name prior to her marriage to Prince William over 12 years ago and she apparently dislikes being referred to as 'Kate'.
HRH CATHERINE, PRINCESS OF WALES! THANK YOU! You are so disrespectful to protocol. Hollywood degenerates!
Use her proper title-The Princess of Wales in case you dont know,…
Beautiful love love 🤴👸💖💖💖💖💖💖❤️❤️❤️❤️
I see comments that other people ask you to stop calling her Kate…. please help us understand why you do call her Kate and how much disrespect do you have?. Just starting to be as annoying as Harry and Megan. You are guilty of also, pushing the narrative for the love of God stop calling her Kate.
Princess of Wales❤ Princess Catherine❤
The tiara has never been a favorite of mine, but I must say it was good to see it, have only seen it in pictures.
Barbie Inca and Campeche tribe and Bahama's is cousins of Singapore!
Catherine looks Stunning 🎉🎉🎉
How about we respect their culture and call them by there 1000 year old titles. HRH Cathrine, Princess of Wales.
Catherine straight out of Central casting for a Princess and future Qween. The perfect English rose. She does the royal familly and her country proud.😊
Oh dear the jealous sugars and Smeghan are FUMING that Catherine, Princess of Wales looked so fabulous and her husband looked so handsome. The worldwide coverage knocked old turkey legs, gobbler smeghan right off the front pages. She and her druggie tequila soaked husband are floundering to even attend the opening of an envelope
Catherine, Princess of Wales . Call her correctly with her titles!
Don’t call her Kate Middleton – if nothing else call her PRINCESS of Wales. She has not been a Middleton for 11 years and 3 children ago. Throw in Catherine!!
❤❤❤❤..magnificent, pristine like an angel, Prince William look drapper..gorgeous couple..
Stop with the Kate Middleton nonsense…..that is not her name anymore.
Of course Prince William and Catherine, Princess of Wales attended the state banquet, ALL senior working Royals always attend these events. I really do wish that this American commentator would get the facts straight before sharing
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