If You Are Going To Play GTA 6 On Xbox…This Is GREAT NEWS!
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In today’s Grand Theft Auto 6 video – If You Are Going To Play GTA 6 On Xbox…This Is GREAT NEWS!
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Hope you enjoyed this video! See you guys in the next one! ✌🏻
Business Inquiries: MrBossFTWBusiness@gmail.com
You’re still fucking uploading? I just watched a video on your downfall and checked to see if your still uploading, and yep, here you are
He's milkin the hell outta this aint he…
I am going to played GTA 6 on The PlayStation 10
If doesn’t really matter. Just buy the proper machine next time
This guy needs a wife or something. He wakes up and fantasizes about this game 24/7.
GTA 6 won’t look any better than the video you’re watching…
Ww3!! Are you going to get this game before that
You still talking?
I’m on xbox series s games run pretty good for me on series s the only game. I have big issues with is fallout 4
I got the series s as long as it wrk I'm not tripping
If you’ve got nothing to post about, don’t post anything at all
PS5 better
It’s a new time probaly gonna have cross play anyways tho
It’s sweet when Mr. Boss shares with us what games he plays in his bedroom
Xbox Series X or new Xbox console if we get one by then
Dude didnt get sponsored by PS so now he's focusing on Xbox😂
Looking forward to seeing you again on unwanted highlights lmao
I don't own a console so I'll be waiting longer for the PC version.
Staying on Xbox cause my other top game is NHL. which rn is better on Xbox cause PlayStations lag is noticeable. Back in the day I upgraded to the Xbox One just cause GTAV is amazing!
I can’t wait until YouTube shuts your account down
I need some good news cz I don't have the money to buy a PS5 and GTA 6.
new xbox won't be out til 2026 so they say
PS5. I have upgrades for my current PS5
Yeah I wouldn't take anything that Microsoft says seriously.,,🤣
Xbox series x. I should sell my useless ps5.
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