Official Monster Hunter 9 Min Diabolos Fight Movie Preview 2020 | Subscribe ➤ | Milla Jovovich Movie Trailer | Full Movie | More
Behind our world, there is another: a world of dangerous and powerful monsters that rule their domain with deadly ferocity. When an unexpected sandstorm transports Captain Artemis (Milla Jovovich) and her unit (TI Harris, Meagan Good, Diego Boneta) to a new world, the soldiers are shocked to discover that this hostile and unknown environment is home to enormous and terrifying monsters immune to their firepower. In their desperate battle for survival, the unit encounters the mysterious Hunter (Tony Jaa), whose unique skills allow him to stay one step ahead of the powerful creatures. As Artemis and Hunter slowly build trust, she discovers that he is part of a team led by the Admiral (Ron Perlman). Facing a danger so great it could threaten to destroy their world, the brave warriors combine their unique abilities to band together for the ultimate showdown.
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Monster Hunter (2020) is the new fantasy movie starring Milla Jovovich, T.I. and Ron Perlman.
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What an affront to one of the most iconic, most beloved monsters in the series.
See, this is the reason why I don’t care for this type of movies.
A LAW is capable of penetrating freaking 450 mm (18 in) of rolled homogeneous armor steel plate. Yet, it can’t penetrate the skin of a living being that can be cut with a sharp object swung with nothing more than the muscle of some scrawny dude and chick weighing about 120lbs wet.
Wait, better yet, looks like she was firing a M134 cambered for 7.62x52mm rounds that can penetrate over an inch of steel also didn’t do any damage. It can give a BMP or Bradley a run for their lives yet, the monster just didn’t even bat an eye at it.
So full of BS that in Hollywood, modern firearm cannot kill monster but some sharp object swung by a puny human can instant kill it. Awesome. A nuclear blast can be up to 30 something hotter than the center of a sun, yet cannot kill some large ass monster with a direct hit. Sure. It’s so hot, the temperature is measured in Kelvin, about 500 million Kelvin as a matter of fact, enough to melt one of the hardest substance on earth, a diamond. Yet, nope. It walks away without a scratch.
Of course, it’s all fiction. Square-cube law.
That’s black Diabolos so you know.
Tony Jaa!!!
Physics on hold for the duration of this dog of a movie.
I still can’t come to terms with how Netflix had the formula to put out a somewhat accurate Monster Hunter movie and it still ended up being worse than this
so it turns out giant swords are way stronger than rocket launchers..
Garbage ass movie
This beast looks so dumb
Diablos aren't that slow 💀
ok, who tf runs with their greatsword DRAWN.
I wanted MH movie without holywood involved if possible, look what they did to mah boy…its tremors now 😢
If only Diablos was this easy to kill in the game…..
I really wanted this movie to be good. Could have started with a couple of young adults and their journey to be top hunters. Wasted opportunity.
I hate the fact that they brought the military into this world -.-. Like it would have been better if a kid's home was destroyed friends and family were hurt or died. He grows up training in the weapons of MH and seeks out Diablos but not before fighting other monsters to hone his skills not this military bs they couped up.
The fact that was not a regular Diablo. That was the strongest one because it was the black one
This not makes any sense thata a diablos negra its supposed to be more dangerous and faster that a normal diablos dame who write the moviewas a a total momkey who not know anything about diablos or monsters 🫨
Diablos dont have wingarm, but okay
After what they did to resident evil I don't get why capcom even bother to gave them another game tittle to desecrate
God I knew this movie was bad but, I didn't know it was THIS bad. Companies need to stop trying to cash grab at beloved franchises and actually use their brains to make their own stories.
why saying diabolos it's diablos looks like the guy posting didn't know anything about MH
didnt cut tail so no wyvern gem and didnt break back so no diablos chine. broke 1 horn so atleast they got a twisted stouthorn.
female lead= shite
This movie was so jank…it’s literally just comic con cos-players jumping around in front of a gigantic green screen
uh sir thats not how to use great sword
I bet paul ws anderson thought like, "i don't care how shitty movie game adaptation i'd make, as long as my wife looks cool and badass in it" . I mean, resident evil , and now my monster Hunter, two of my beloved games.
Solid proof that not every video game needs a movie. What absolute trash.
ngl this is horrible.
They shoulda just made a
Monster hunter movie instead of this horse shit
I knew this movie would be shit
This is so bad
Why isnt there a cat throwing green blobs at her?
This shit is so ass.
So much prep time and they didn't even bring a screamer pod
MH player seeing this
okay, wtf is this?
It is kinda cool to see Bloodbath Diablos (or at least a scuffes itteration of it) on screen. But I have a question. Why even bother teaching Mila's character to use dual blades if she doesn't even unsheathe them?
Looks more like a black diablos to me
This movie was atrociously bland and completely unfaithful to the Video Games in almost every way. ⭐️ out of ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Its diablos
Listen even as someone who likes this movie for how shitty it is, the thing that will keep me from watching it again is how BAD the editing it. There’s so many cuts it makes me nauseous
This wasn't just some diabolos too this was probably the most tamest Black Diabolos I've eveer seen
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