These 5 professional athletes suffered some of the worst consequences their sport has to offer!
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8 Worst Sports Injuries Caught On Live TV
hey eerm what about niki lauda? he was an austrian formula one racer who on the 1st of august 1976 he crashed and his car burst into flames, he survived but was left with severe burns.
I got two words for you and the sooner you learn this the better before its too late for you
Fuck Sports 😂
Cant forget Petr Cech's fractured skull after collison with Stephen Hunt in 2006 while trying to catch the ball
1:22 what an knockout.
I’m still trying to find out how the fuck did he get a cut that badly from someone running into him
I remember watching the Kevin Ware injury live in college with my roommate… Gruesome 😩
I fr fainted while watching this 👁👄👁
i have respekt for you that you didin´t showed gernot reinstalder´s crash
My leg!
My leg.
Videos like this be dumb asf 🤣 like obvi i wanted you to talk the whole time ab the injury and show half ass pics about it. I def needed you to explain to me what was going on
Nah but I feel so bad for this guy but I just know this ain’t the worst
The worst I’ve seen was Preston Burpos injury 😭 I basically couldn’t sleep after seeing it, very disturbing don’t look at the photos if u can’t handle injury’s, his injury was his foot plus a part of his leg just bending 😭😭 I regret looking at it, very disturbing ⚠️⚠️⚠️
Horrific, each one. This video is traumatizing for anybody who has suffered a certain kind of injury💀
6:25bro turned into a ragdoll 💀💀💀
Hold shit
i still think the soccer guys are faking it
How the fuck can you dislocate your skull
6:29 Him being unconscious probably saved him from many more broken bones. Being conscious he would've tensed up.
Go fish anyone?
Bruh the I’m fine just win the game wouldn’t sit right with me I would probably play really dumb after seeing all that
just put some ice on it
– school nurse
Good luck that baseball wasnt a cricket ball
Lienen is literally to angry to feel pain.
you forgot to mention the most important thing about the clint throat accident. he only survived because one of the refs was a veteran and sticked a finger into the wound which saved him from bleeding to death
….you charge somebody to narrate their text, and you not only suck at your monotonous rhythm, but you can’t even pronounce common words like “carotid”. Shame on you, I hope you only got paid half.
I love when Americans think sports only exist in the US!
I hate injury’s I wish everyone could just be healthy all the time
Okay football was created by the English yeah so you do not go to soccer your game is not football you can call me whatever you want soccer is football yeah okay football is game we created and all your so-called football is is a copy of rugby and football so please from now on call is football it’s real name
4:15 "Soccer is one of the most dangerous sporting events on the planet "
I am playing soccer and one time at the very last minute I was going at the ball and some one tripped me then I sprained my wrist
the thumbnail had me cracking i mean imagine walking with that foot
I remember a few years back, maybe 2017, I was on a soccer team. We were a C1 team and there were words being exchanged between the 2 teams. I pulled my muscle in my leg so I was on the sidelines but I remember hearing a loud smack and whistles and my whole bench running out to the field. A player on the other team had just kicked my teammate in the face. I limped onto the field and there was a trail of blood from where my teammate was kicked. He broke his nose and was gushing blood everywhere. For the player who kicked him, he got a few punches in return
Anderson Silva: in agony by hitting weidmen’s knee
when people get hit with a 1 mph baseball: ehh im fine
Bryce Florie: gets a 100mph baseball hit ehh im fine but i have fractures and blood on me.
4:41 can someone tell me how he did not bleed out
Football or soccer as you call it. Is not dangerous have you ever heard of rugby mate the only protection you have is a gum shield and groin cup
Soccer…dangerous??? Hahahahahaha. Good one…hahahahahaha
Yakssssß ughhh😓😓😓😓😓😓😓😓😓😓😓😣😣😣😣😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵
Is that thumbnail real
Why am I watching this? Something is going wrong in my life
@4:15 Soccer? Oh you mean football!!!
If a grow up thats not my job
NBA… National Basketbrawl Association
This is why i dont like soft ball or baseball and i guess basketball is out of the list,football wasn’t even in the question and soccer is a maybe
Hurling should be there because it is probably the most dangerous sport
respect to leinen, back in 2 week???
"I'm fine just win the game"
What a badass
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