Asia’s about to make her singing and dancing debut, but things get a little heated when Asia makes a sweet request in this flashback from Season 1, Episode 7, “Hit The Road.”
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Before ever appearing on “Dance Moms” and placing third on season one of “Abby’s Ultimate Dance Competition,” eight-year-old YouTube sensation Asia Monet had already traveled the world to showcase her singing and dancing talents. In “Raising Asia,” cameras follow the rising star as she strives to take her career to the next level with the help of model mother Kristie, famous record-holding bodybuilder father Shawn and younger sister, Bella Blu, who are there every step of the way to support Asia’s journey to the top.
That's not a tantrum, that's a child not being heard by the parents
if your gonna go to a starbucks or a fun drink place then get everyone something do you know how many drinks have no coffee and no dairy? she wasn’t even having a tantrum and it wasn’t over hot chocolate it was the fact that everyone is gonna have a drink and she doesn’t. see it isn’t fair? the mom could have gotten her a lemonade no dairy no coffee and not much sugar. super simple and could have solved this whole issue
I drink caffeine tho and I am 8. (Please don’t make fun of me) ❤
Give the kid a drink bc the poor thing couldve had a strawberry acai or smth like bruh
omg Kristy is so annoying tf
Hello queen or better
shes so spoiled; watch your tone, asia
Asia should be able to have a hot chocolate
I'm sorry asia but at least you got to go ❤❤❤
asia seems like the sweetest older sister ever, she shouldnt be labled as a brat or a kid who "threw a tantrum" the mom was so harsh with her, of course shes goona grow up to be sensitive or cry more often, its fustrating to not have a say in an arguement. asia did nothing wrong and im suprised the dad was on the mom's side.
They was
Idk why u hating the mom like the kid cant have caffine or dairy and there are several other drinks at starbucks that the kid can have but shes crying for no reason
Dvxfdn seem cxxh
Asia could have gotten something else from Starbucks they have more then just only caffeine and also everyone else got a drink and not her how is that even fair ?
I’m betew den Asia
2:44 Asia hiding
yall clearly arent watching the scene??? it was over hot chocolate nobody was talking about her performing at all her crying was over hot chocolate literally pay attention.
Aisa pack your own stuff and she can’t get whatever she wants and she needs her teeth fixed
Y’all do realize this video was like years ago
Tbh though she didn’t realize it, I feel like Bella had the better childhood.
The mum is so rude
Mom could just drink water too then 🤷
Why she talking to her daughter like that she could of got her a little drink wth
Wait why can’t she have dairy?
Was this episode deleted, I can’t find it.
This insane mother ruined both of her daughters lives, instead of letting them live like normal children, she favourites one and burns them out, and leaves the other at home like a pet. Where’s Asia now? Where's blu now? All of that trauma was for nothing. You can't put a four-year-old on a pedestal, not letting her have any friends, school, etc.. And ignore your other daughter, seriously what is wrong with her?!
3:38 are we not going to talk about the fact that this guy hit her. Even she was like,”What just happened.”
POV: you have the worst mom
That’s not a pov for her
Why couldn’t she get a juice
Ice tea… juice idk
Kids don’t have caffeine
….. oops I was not hippier
Did NOBODY in the comments realised that asias mother DID offer her something else she said no caffeine which is understandable even i as a kid wasnt allowed caffiene including coke😢till i was 13 and no dairy. She said go inside ask ask your dad to get something else asia didnt so im not sure what the poeple in the comments expected yeah maybe it wasnt enough to lable as a tantrum but people call tantrums on different levels so.
You can literally get a splasher or any Frappuccino decaf. But not even that, Asia isn't really that big anymore so all of this childhood pressure an trauma was for nothing
If dairy is the problem in hot chocolate, they could have a dairy alternative like soy or almond milk. I’m unsure about the caffeine.
Bella blu is so precious 😭😭😭😭
I hate spoiled children
but didnt they say that asia coudnt do a side aerial but she just did an aerial
They couldn’t get her a lemonade?
Well she did say go tell your dad to get you something 🤷🏽♀️
Like who would be mad for chocolate milk asia mom like if k ask my mom or my friend moms they should a
Say yes
“It’s a seket but imma lil but better than Ashua, don’t tell anybody!”
Stop Bella’s so adorable
“tantrum?” that wasn’t a tantrum, the girl is burnt out, tired and overworked. i would cry too.
can't stand these parents
Y’all stretch it ..
This world has become is cold and determined for money fame and they are not letting their children be children….yes support them in all that they want to do but let them be children with no issues growing up …there is so much more as to what people are saying with all these young children being pushed to the point they don't want to be here anymore .. give these babies a life full of happiness and laughter!
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