Defunct Games reviews SENSEs: Midnight by Suzaku and EastAsiaSoft, available now on PC and Mac.
SENSEs: Midnight is a throwback to a time when survival horror was all about using tank controls to outrun ghouls and ghosts. This updated remix on the formula sees a young girl live-stream herself entering a haunted park in the middle of the night. Things do not go well, which both delights and horrifies her hyper-active chatroom. That’s a cool gimmick for a horror game, but the potential is undermined by a short adventure that ends right as it’s starting to pick up speed. Other issues involve a frustrating inventory system, easily avoidable ghosts and a park that is so small that you’ll be sick of backtracking within the first few minutes. It’s a bit of a mess, but ghost-hunting is way more fun than watching somebody spend the afternoon sitting in a kiddie pool.
NOTE: Defunct Games received a digital code from the developer/publisher of this game for review purposes. For more information about the Defunct Games review policy visit
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#SENSEsMidnight #SurvivalHorror #GhostStory
As for the question of the day: The apartment in Silent Hill 4: The Room was amazing. You're supposed to feel safe there, but you really don't.
QOTD, Scariest place in a horror game is the elementary school in zombiU.
QOTD; Nothing beats a space station breaking around you. Though I mainline on space stations filled with demons, mutants or aliens designed by late Swiss surrealist master, that setting is scary enough by itself. If you don't believe me, check out Deliver Us The Moon - having a giant crumbling metal can being the only thing between you and the void of space is chilling.
then silent hill for its obligatory mission to train people in fear through obscurity.
PT set the highest bar. I don't think I'll ever forget that house.
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