Tom Cruise is perhaps most famous for doing almost all of his own stunts, which have intensified throughout his career.
In the “Mission: Impossible” franchise, he climbed part of a 2,000-foot cliff in “Mission: Impossible 2” and then climbed 1,700 feet up the Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest building, in “Ghost Protocol.”
In “Rogue Nation,” Cruise did not one, but two dangerous stunts. First, he hung off the side of a plane that took him up 1,000 feet in the air. He then had to hold his breath underwater for about six minutes, a stunt that required military-style preparation.
In “Fallout,” he jumped 25,000 feet out of a plane and filmed a helicopter stunt that required him to get 2,000 hours of training and learn how to do a 360-degree corkscrew dive. Outside the “Mission” franchise, he filmed a scene on a real zero-gravity plane instead of a soundstage in “The Mummy” and learned how to do action in an 85-pound suit in “Edge of Tomorrow.” He is soon set to return to one of his most iconic roles in “Top Gun: Maverick.”
“The Mummy” Is Now Available On Demand.
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How Tom Cruise Pulled Off 8 Amazing Stunts | Movies Insider | Insider
Its a mindset, its not about being the best, its about always finishing what you started.
For The Cash He Gets Paid? So What
I mean, he is nuts on a personal level. But this is impressive
Eathan hunt rocks ❤ world loves him universe too😊
I am Tom Cruise and I am sciencietology
He is amazingly focused and not in a psycho way as Christian Bale insinuated. If Bale wants to see a psycho, just look in the mirror.
I have immense respect for Tom cruise, he is a phenomenal actor and performer. His dedication to his craft is unparalleled, and his overall work ethic is nothing short of amazing.He has undertaken a wide range of stunts throughout his career, including hanging off the side of a plane in "Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation" (2015), performing a HALO (high altitude, low opening) parachute jump in "Mission: Impossible – Fallout" (2018), and engaging in exhilarating car chases and motorcycle stunts in various films.
Tom Cruise's enthusiasm for doing his own stunts often stems from his desire to create an authentic and thrilling experience for the audience.
According to reports, top gun 3 is in early stages of development and tom cruise looks set to reprise his role as Pete Maverick Mitchell. I really hope top gun 3 gets made, I loved Top Gun Maverick. Top gun 2 was a cinematic masterpiece that continues to soar through the years. ❤️❤️
Amazing stunt skills in addition to acting ability. Legend.
He is so hot
Tom is so brave! Crazy as a bat! Uk 🇬🇧
Old as my Grandpa, and as willing as Michelle Khare
What a man boss what a man speechless 😶 😮
No Oscar f?!' The Oscar's those candy asses just lose weight and mope around
8:52 Do you know believe that camera man never dies
Despite all the hate he gets for Scientology, and how ridiculous South Park portrayed him (literally calling him a “fudge packer”), this man is a frickin legend.
Tom Cruise will forever be immortalized as an insane man who does his own stunts.
Tom Cruise has stunt doubles to do all this. he's a liar.
Tom: Nah, I don’t think that zero-G take seems right.
Producer: Really? I think it looked great!
Tom: I think we should do it again.
Producer: Ok…
Tom, to himself: heheh I get to go in Zero-G again 🙂
Man almost never makes a bad movie maybe one or two… much respect for him
What Tom cruise can’t do
ChatGPT: caution ⚠️
when they say fly they dont mean pilot lol
I mean he is a Scientologist… the dude genuinely believes he’s invincible
Wait wait wait wait… He actually DID ALL OF THOSE STUNTS? Even just the first one, which though I don't like that movie or most of these other movies, was HIGHLY impressive and suspenseful. That's amazing.
Everyone mf until Tom cruise steps in
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