We took a trip to the Warner Brothers Corporate Archive in Los Angeles, California. This is where a lot of old props go from their movies once production is done. We saw a whole lot of stuff from the “Batman” franchise, including Batmobiles and Batman’s many masks.
We also saw items from “Suicide Squad,” “The Matrix,” and “Harry
Potter.” The newest thing we saw were outfits from 2018’s “Crazy Rich Asians.” Despite starting in just 1992, the Warner Brothers Corporate Archive goes way back. You can also find props and costumes from “My Fair Lady” and John Wayne. While the archive is not open to the public, much of this stuff goes on tour.
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#Hollywood #Props #INSIDER
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Where Hollywood Keeps Its Iconic Props | Movies Insider
What behind-the-scenes element do you want to learn more about? Let us know in the comments below!
She freaked out about Leo’s car, and just brushes over John Waynes saddle!
Deteriate isn’t a word.
Does most paper have acid in it?!
there is nothing Geeky in loving movie-props… they are interesting -items from movies most of us love ..they are mostly one offs ..works of art… i think going to a art gallery likt the tate in london is more Geeky… its more boring… thats for sure.
prior to 1992.. props⚔️ were simply lost to time or sometimes destroyed🤪..Ron Weasley's flying car, 🚘prior to being rescued, was abandoned in a field🐄
I thought the leg in the thumbnail was pizza💀💀💀💀💀💀
I think Leonardo would be as excited to know that this chick sat where he has sat 😉
Is how hard is it to pronounce your t's
Would work here for free
Are there any joker items
Stupid girl. An unwatchable video.
A very tubby girl. She shouldn't have those nasty-looking legs out.
Is this where the props from the 2002 'The Adventures of Pluto Nash' (distributed by Warner Bros.) are kept? I've always wanted to find those 'Hillaries' notes used in the film.
Poor girl. How can she love Di Caprio ?
2:42, they spelt artillery wrong, and it's also not artillery they're pointing to.
Why would you use the WORST Batmobile from the WORST Batman film for your default "money shot" backdrop with the WB logo?
Ugh I hate work
Their Work:
i wanted to see the duesenberg . i could care less about leo sitting in it. i want to know is it a real duesenberg and does it drive.
I don’t think they’d let anyone sit in the bar mobile 👀
5:33 thumbnail
Warner Bros could make a museum in several locations with majority of these props..
We would all take a photo with a batmobile and post it on twitter with the caption; new whip
Can you be more creepier… smelling the farts out of that seat you sicko
Back in 1972, during a KCET TV – Hollywood television studio auction, I purchased a prop which had been featured in the Warner Bros. movie production of My Fair Lady. It is one of the 3 dissected (half) heads used in the "Let A Woman in Your Life" Henry Higgins library shelf scene. Beneath the base of the prop is the prop number, but I have yet to be successfully able to have this prop authenticated. However, it is definitely one of the head props used in the film.
Does anyone have any idea how I could have this prop authenticated, as I'm sure it is a part of Hollywood's film history?
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