Home games Werewords (Bezier Games) Review by Man Vs Meeple

Werewords (Bezier Games) Review by Man Vs Meeple

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Werewords Review by Man Vs Meeple

4-10 Player Game
10 Minutes

Man Vs Meeple
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Hosted by Jeremy Salinas (Drakkenstrike)
Hosted by David Waybright


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@GeneralKetchup57 April 9, 2024 - 9:23 am

Great review as usual. These types of games are great for my daughters soccer team when traveling in hotels:) I'm bummed just missed out getting this on MM or CSI as they are now sold out. Hopefully, they are stocked at Gen Con.

@DrHamishLove April 9, 2024 - 9:23 am

No mention that they ripped off INSIDERS? No mention that they just took INSIDERS and jammed it, rather awkwardly, into a werewolf theme that does not match the theme AT ALL? No comparison of which is better?

I do like the extra powers/characters and the app available in Werewords…but come on. Why does this blatant rip off of Insiders mashed into a completely incompatible theme get a free pass from many reviewers? I feel bad for the INSIDERS makers because they don't have the platform to market their game as well as Werewords is being done. Disappointing.

@BogartFace April 9, 2024 - 9:23 am

Great review as always. I'd love to ask maybe a complex question. How does this game relate to Codenames and One Night Ultimate Werewolf? I own both and would like to know if Werewords has its own niche when compared to similar games?

@Luk3d4wG April 9, 2024 - 9:23 am

But the art…that art is so…not attractive. Unless of course you like Sentinels of the Multiverse art…

@cgrice1971 April 9, 2024 - 9:23 am

I miss the old intro

@canalcontinua April 9, 2024 - 9:23 am

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@XShrike0 April 9, 2024 - 9:23 am

Is there a way to mitigate just listening to what the people around you are doing during the opening? If the game is calling out the mayor, seer, and werewolf to look at the word, won't the other players automatically know who is what by them moving around when the role is called?

Deception: Murder in Hong Kong avoids this problem because the CSI player controls and knows everything and then lets the other parties know what they need to know.

@TheManicMerk April 9, 2024 - 9:23 am

Never been first comment! Woot! And I'm the 2nd like haha! Today feels like VICTORY! I really appreciate your breakdown on this game because I was wanting to hear more about this. Seems right up my alley. Appreciate your good A/V quality as well. You guys have an impressive studio!

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