Seth Meyers and Kevin Hart ask Justice Scalia “Really!?!” about his classification of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 as a racial entitlement that unfairly punishes the South for being more racist than the North. [Season 38, 2013]
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You know it!
THIS IS HILARIOUS but it sounds like at the time time, the audience didn't really get it as much haha.
Who's here after Kristin Wiig's 5 time hosting special?
I'll bet the real life "Aunt Linda" from Kristen's flight watched these bits and was all "Oh, brother. Here's that annoying woman again!"
Well, if you must know nosy O’Donnell😂😂
Aunt Linda is every Boomer female in my family.
This is supposed to be funny ?
I thought she stole this from Stewart's mom.
Kristen has said.
She based this on a REAL person she saw on a plane who Would NOT Stop Talking loudly!
This audience sucks. KW is a goat.
"I have been traveling around Maryland trying dfferent crabs" LMFAO idk why that made me laugh so hard
Yikes, this was her favorite character?
I worked with a lady like this lol absolutely everything exhausted her lol even movies lol just exhausted all the time😅
Conan's podcast brought me here.
"Too many shells" 🤣🤣🤣
She was the first Karen.
Ann Margret. Liza Minnelli. Katherine Helpburn. Drew Berrymore. All those impressions killed me.
Anyone else here after watching/listening to Conan's podcast with Kristen? 😂 ❤ ✈️
Kristen Wig said this character was based on a real life encounter with a woman on an airplane who was watching the Matrix and couldn't believe what she was watching "ohhhhh we're flying now?!"
Seth has aged considerably, but Kristen looks exactly the same.
Conan's podcast with Wig led me here. She said this was one of her favorite snl characters she did.
I wish Kristen would do a weekly movie review show starring Aunt Linda like the old siskel and ebert. Maya Rudolph could play opposite her. Would be a huge hit .
Ive been quoting "not this time depp" for a long time now 😂
This Video is So funny I can't stop watching it ❤
So she ripped off Mo Collins , Loraine character from Mad TV
Helen obama carter 😭
"I've got some letters for you…" 🤣🤣
wish this had been a recurring sketch 😪
I told my doctor I smoked 4 to 5 cigarettes a day. . The diagnostic report came back 45 cigarettes a day. Over 2 and a half packs a day.
I gave him TEN times WHAAA???
Howl arious! My tight ass/ neighbor lady ,part time school secretary! On point KW
hey u belong on madtv!
I think Mamrie hart could kill this role lmaoooo
CGI, 3D, oh brother. I got some letters for ya, F.U.!
I believe I've happened upon one of the Karen training videos…
This character was so funny I wish there were more skitttts!
The reveal at the end was nice😆
Helen Obama Carter 😂
Add a southern accent & a cigarette and this is my aunt Evonne. 😂 💚
One of my favorite of her characters 🤣
Clicked bc I'm from Montana
Sorry, Bullock
You would have been a good president
And a great senator
But, as usual, we voted to fuck ourselves instead
This is her best character and I cant find any more
original Karen impression
Oh my goodness: Aunt Linda is a Karen!
Aunt Linda is a Karen
I can't stop watching Kristen Wiig clips. She's like my happy place 🤣
"The only thing I liked about this movie is that I FINALLY got to see a real life Pegasus"!
Should’ve gotten more laughs. Tough crowd in the audience that week.
How does she even does the tk-tk-tk sound🦶
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