“Bouncy, bouncy, bouncy… Lyndsey?”
Season 12 Episode 9: Bouncy, Bouncy, Bouncy, Lyndsey
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Do you know what the worst feeling is to have during a prostate exam? Answer: The feeling of two hands on your shoulders.
"Well, you've had your chance"
Gyms are full of old people
Herb married Judith, moved into Alan’s house, slept with Lyndsey.
Alan knocked up Judith making Herb think the daughter is his.
They’re even.
Hang on, wasn't Herb a pediatrician?
Courtney thorn smith was such a hottie man.
As long as its funny still thinking about it like a guy gets divorced and he knows her wife's a cheat and he is in friends with the now husband of his divorced wife. Not only that he let him tick his balls and also that guy fucked the girl who he likes.
Its pure comedy but this things are affecting the generation and a fuck up term for being modern.
Can’t blame herb lyndsey was very fuckable
Mi serie favorita 😂😂😂😂
I don’t know if Ryan Stiles will ever get enough credit for being hilarious
Lindsay is sleeping with every man she comes across.. wat do we call her again 😮
Out of all Alan’s Ex’s Lyndsey is the worse. Besides that she looks fine as hell. She has no redeeming qualities she is just horrible. Judith a close second but you see a little good in her. Melisa was probably his best one as she actually worshipped him. And tried her best for him. Kandi was the finest thing he tapped though.
This show became so awful towards the end 🤢🤮
Herb so needed this!
Prostate exam? It's official, then!
She did not act like this in according to jim
Finally Herb lived his dream, I'm happy for him
2:36 Click off as soon as I heard "Walden."
Alan and Herb are such a good duo I think.
One thing to point out thoes weigh Alan are holding are nothing, cause he moving way to easily.
Best bromance in 2024 goes to: Alan & Herb
What's up with the sound quality?
😂 "Official diagnosis: you're old"
There were quite some funny scenes after Charlie sheen left & it was one of them but very few include Walden.
First, Lyndsey slept with Alan's second ex-wife Kandi, his niece Jenny and now his friend Herb. I mean, this woman is almost making Judith look like a saint and I mean "ALMOST" cause Judith is still way evil.
Alan and Herb are a underrated bromance
Herb what a natural comedian Wow!!
Rare sound quality L
I always felt that Alan could've been such a good gay man or bisexual man since most of the women he has been with have divorced him or just not bother to give him chance I feel you bro
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