Green Hydrogen Systems: Electrolysis Technology

The world is currently at a crucial turning point of decarbonising the energy systems, and hydrogen has been placed centre stage as the heart of the future energy transition.

We explore the potential of hydrogen with Green Hydrogen Systems, and how if utilised cleverly, this endless renewable source will completely change the game within the energy sector and massively contribute towards a net-zero emission society in 2050.

#GreenHydrogenSystems #Hydrogen #GTL


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@FlameofDemocracy April 9, 2024 - 2:15 am
An excellent video. We need more basic information available for all.
@stephenquick5105 April 9, 2024 - 2:15 am
I call it - "Market Wars".
@householdemail1305 April 9, 2024 - 2:15 am
That’s very cool.
@alovsathuseynov6124 April 9, 2024 - 2:15 am
Hello.I want to ask about your alkaline electrolyzer?Operating voltage? How much electricity is required to produce 1 M3 of hydrogen? Thank you.
@ZafarMuhammadMuzafarNiaz April 9, 2024 - 2:15 am
Hydrogen technology 🚓🚕

Hydrogen help the combustion process to run engine more efficieently.and carbon-free fuel burnning.

HHO gas burn a lot faster then  gasoline or petrol. Hydrogen power  miracle gas remove carbon build up in the combustion chamber and boost  engine power and torique. Reduse  carbon emission ko ) restores better fuel  economy.

 Hho car kit  prolonging engine life and engine oil life.

 Like a new car!!! 

Engine runs smoother and cleaner to make your car 0 carbon emissions  Boost engine  power and torque Better acceleration . 

An efficient hho car kit lower the engine temperature more then 100 degree F.  Hho car kit reduce car maintenance charges. 

Cleaner engine running. Reducing engine noise due to the faster fuel burning. Hho car kits works nicely requires no modifications in the car engine. No side effects on car engine.

Engine start quickly safe your car battery. No more petrol or diesel smoke or smell. Hho system is very simple.

Hho kit installation  time is about two hours to make your car a low cost hy-brid.
@mdrafiqul3358 April 9, 2024 - 2:15 am
@mdrafiqul3358 April 9, 2024 - 2:15 am
@mdrafiqul3358 April 9, 2024 - 2:15 am
@solexxx8588 April 9, 2024 - 2:15 am
So which is it? Wind and solar suck or you can use wind and solar to make hydrogen? Your argument is circular. Excess green energy is best used to make hydrogen to displace fossil fuels in the production of fertilizer. It's not very economical as a fuel.
@racerx1690 April 9, 2024 - 2:15 am
HHO generators are not new technology. (Look in the back of your really old 50's to 70's comic books for an ad where you mail off fifty cents to two bucks for nifty plans to make engines run on water) Producing giant HHO generators without being found in a ditch somewhere is new. I'm assuming they are using membranes to seperate the hydrogen and venting the oxygen.
@allgoo1990 April 9, 2024 - 2:15 am
What are they going to with the CO2 already in the air?
With it, for next hundreds of years, the global temperature will keep going up, will result in worldwide agricultural failure then no food to sustain humans.
Nobody talks about it because nobody makes money by doing so.
It's called "capitalism".
@mikee33oo April 9, 2024 - 2:15 am
the stone age, we ran out of stone LOL
@mrfishsticks266 April 9, 2024 - 2:15 am
The tech is still being improved and those people says only the evs are future. They are just Elon's puppets
@kindjoyful3422 April 9, 2024 - 2:15 am
It is sad to see how engineers smile and say "we split the water into molecules". Dear team at Green Hydrogen Systems, there is water scarcity in this world which continuously threaten existence on earth and you market such a technology so positively?
It is so easy to spot dirty corporatists when they have the name of the company "Green...", - no dignity?

For those who are interested in using their brains and not be brainwashed, read the comments below from Scott Kolaya who shows the inefficiency of the technology. It uses 430kW to produce 4 Kg of hydrogen which can be burnt to produce energy again but 1kg of hydrogen produces only 51.44kWh so you loose more than 50% in this process. Not to mention all the infrastructure needed to transport the hydrogen globally. It is exactly like gas/diesel/petroleum but less toxic. You need tank stations and trucks to transport all this around the globe. At each point, you have a loss because you use more energy to transport it. 

Is this the way to move further with an energy solution? - I would hope not.

To that, I would add that there is no numbers on how many liters of water are being used in the electrolysis process to produce your "green" hydrogen..

I am hopeful that we, as humans will turn down these marketeers and corporatists that invent technologies, as a patch to our solution and actually create more damage than benefits.

This is disappointing.
@aceofhearts4206 April 9, 2024 - 2:15 am
Damn it another company trying to maximize profits. I've been trying to work on direct on demand fuel in vehicles using electrolysis for a couple years now and if I had the right funding we could all be driving with just tanks of water never needing another gas station again or filling stations ever but nooooo it's all about profits on energy. Sell the shovels quite trying to dig for gold!
@MrGarthboy April 9, 2024 - 2:15 am
Don't the particle accelerator guys use hydrogen, think some kind of ultra filtration of matter in general is a neat prospect, use surfboards in some perpetual machine, stacking atoms, figure out ways to oscillate certain things at certain mass volume collisions, then even just a giant grid kinda like a square spongefigure out how the circuitry is enhanced, and all possible frequency self oscillate configurations to use injection electrolysis not look into metronome configuration based on superposition in order to figure out the highlight of the different sized structures and how they cast powers interrupting or overlapping, and if echoed results in premium, 5hen it's like 5h3 design of said earth battery and how hydrochloric acid has to be applied less an less but somehow its been recorded that conductivity grows somewhat exponentially on lengths, so if the design is honed specifically it could possibly even be a gap or medium, that realizes the difference some between fields and static, radio waves funneling effects echoing etc etc.
@muntee33 April 9, 2024 - 2:15 am
This is why I get annoyed when EV advocaters (ESPECIALLY ELON) use the example of the electroysis methodology we all did as a classroom experiment when we were 10-15 yrs old, as the pivotal reason behind why the EV is a vastly superior choice to a hydrogen ICE or electric car powered by a hydrogen fuel cell
@scottrobillard1943 April 9, 2024 - 2:15 am
The future of mankind does not come from us burning fuels and trying to create things that we think it comes from us becoming conscious and aware of the fact that the truth of everything is within us we don't have to try and figure things out we have to learn how to become conscious and then we'll be given all the knowledge that pertains to our harmony with the planet and each other but burning hydrogen is against the laws of the universe it's killing a life form hydrogen is a conscious living element
@SharhbiniRauf April 9, 2024 - 2:15 am
World need steam engine that can run on hydrogen, that steam turbine engine or piston engine, hacking the current coal and fossil fuel current powerplant to use hydrogen only not other energy resource.
@crafter2u April 9, 2024 - 2:15 am
im not impressed
@HydrogenFuelTechnologies April 9, 2024 - 2:15 am
Awesome electrolyzer...let's go👌 👏

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