Dermatologist Dr. Muneeb Shah returns to answer more of the internet’s burning questions about skin and dermatology. Can the skin develop a dependency on chapstick? What causes dry skin? What lives on the skin’s microbiome? If we shed skin cells everyday, why don’t tattoos fade away?
Director: Justin Wolfson
Director of Photography: Charlie Jordan
Editor: Richard Trammell
Expert: Dr. Muneeb Shah
Line Producer: Joseph Buscemi
Associate Producer: Brandon White
Production Manager: D. Eric Martinez
Production Coordinator: Fernando Davila
Talent Booker: Mica Medoff, Paige Garbarini
Camera Operator: Christopher Eustache
Gaffer: Rebecca Van Der Meulen
Sound Mixer: Lily Van Leeuwen
Production Assistant: Caleb Clark
Post Production Supervisor: Alexa Deutsch; Christian Olguin
Post Production Coordinator: Ian Bryant; Scout Alter
Supervising Editor: Doug Larsen
Additional Editor: Paul Tael
Assistant Editor: Fynn Lithgow
00:00 Skin Support Pt. 2
00:11 Layers of Skin
00:43 Chapstick Addiction
01:26 Dry Skin Causes
02:30 Vitamin D
03:05 Ingrown Hairs
04:07 Sweat
05:09 Microbiome
05:49 Major Organ
06:15 Retinol
06:53 Wrinkles
07:39 Tattoos
08:14 LED Masks
09:06 Skincare Marketing
09:43 Freckles
10:33 Hair Growth
10:55 Stretch Marks
11:20 Blushing
11:42 Psoriasis
12:10 Routine Steps
12:43 SPF White Cast
13:45 Serums, Creams, Lotions
14:15 Blackheads
15:02 Fingerprints
15:47 Weathering
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The questions that come in just keep getting better! Honored to be part of this series again – Dr. Shah
Odd cos i have lots of freakles but i live in a cold place.
Appreciate you Dr Shah ❤
I'm just gonna lay in my casket til y'all come up with a cure for stretch marks.
This was the first time I was amused by someone calling me a raisin
his name and his looks are hard to reconcile
We DO know why we have fingerprints
he looks so smooth … like a dolphin
Okay but if he’s going to be a spokesperson for good skin, there should be a disclaimer. His skin is not tight like that because of a good skincare routine, that’s fillers and Botox. How am I supposed to trust a dermatologist when they cover their skin issues to look good so they look like they know what they talking about.
I'm no expert but I'd say blushing in general is kind of a fight or flight response, like stress-sweating
Bro's eyes are so far apart, it's like 👁__________👁
Interesting. Some additional questions:
For wrinkles, pregnant or ppl losing weight don't get any wrinkles bc the body senses the new weight and grows around it accordingly. So I guess wrinkles might be when the skin organ's set size and shape reduces so that the skin doesn't adapt to its smaller size as we age, since we lose muscle and collagen…but I still don't understand how that can be. Since the skin already adapts to different sizes. I guess I answered my own question. That we need retinol to encourage new skin cell growth to the new aged body shape that we have. 😢 Confirmation? Thoughts? So my question would be, why do we not get wrinkles when we lose weight and yet when we age we do get wrinkles and need chemicals to fix our skin around our body? Why can't the body adapt?
Another question: I was told by my physiotherapist that female and male skin have different thicknesses in our epidermis layer. I'd love the in-depth statistic on this and a diagram of how that is. The video does share the face having different number (4) layers as opposed to hands and thicker wear areas of our body (5 layers). I would love to know the distribution of layers and an explanation of why that is. 😊
This video is fascinating!
Learned a few things that I was not aware of thank you
why are dermatologists pretty?
“Paramedic support” video?
I just wish you guys would stop trying to read the usernames.
I have oil skin so how many minutes after i should wash my body with soap?
Your generosity towards my infection is incomparable. DR OBELA assured me of getting healed and surprisingly after 11days of taking the medication I was tested Negative. Thanks Dr OBELA I will keep letting the world know about your YT.
Your generosity towards my infection is incomparable. DR OBELA assured me of getting healed and surprisingly after 11days of taking the medication I was tested Negative. Thanks Dr OBELA I will keep letting the world know about your YT.
Ladies AND GENTLEMEN (yes, both)
I highly recommend getting satin/silk bedsheets/pillowcases. They hold less bacteria and more gentle on skin. This will help prevent frizzy hair and breakage as well as preventing acne too! Still want to change out your sheets as often as you can!
he is soooo cute
Regarding the skin's microbiome…
I read in a baby book that one of the advantages to breastfeeding is that your baby is constantly touching your bare skin. Contact with your skin's microbiome helps her to build up her microbiome and immune system. So if you can't breastfeed, make sure your baby gets plenty of contact with your skin.
Great information and so easy on the eyes! Seriously, he’s hot😘
Why are some CS:GO skins so much more expensive than others?
Dr. Shaaaaaah! 😃
Microsoft kicked all the poor people off of Github. Great to see Wired covering the hard-hitting issues.
10 steps!? Take it easy there, Patrick Bateman…
I have psoriatic rheumatoid arthritis. I’m on otzela. It’s doing well to control the plaques. I use soaps rather than detergents due to sensitive skin and sls allergy. The oils on my skin feels more waxy now I have psoriasis. How can I get rid of it or adequately clean my skin?
the one about blushing and helping us survive: My theory (I am a random heath enthusiast with no medical background, just a random guy) is that when you're blushing, it's usually because of an intense emotional reaction which your body interperets as "potential threat" and may need to run and get outta there, so it increases your blood flow rapidly
Genuinely love that this guy looks like a yassified Jonathan Frakes
He has so much bad botox in his face.
Any time I get an in grown hair, I just grab one of those pointy tweezers and just stab in and get it 🤣
Isnt tnis guy a fraud or something
Dr Shaw I adore you but man you under-answered the lip balm question! I am 100% addicted and have tried every different type of balm. I recall Dr Maxfield and you commenting on this topic. I just know that folks who are not addicted misunderstand the issue and make assumptions…
I never use it and I never need it. Even in winter
Oh shoot. My worlds have collided.
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