#PCEngine #RetroGamingHistory #RetroConsoles
Today Top Hat Gaming Man discusses the history of the PC Engine GT, its history and its place in time.
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A man in a top hat, with a dashing moustache or a highly distinguished beard, reviews rare video games in his massive collection. Appreciate the finer things in life! Top Hat Gaming Man travels around the globe, playing the best games for the handhelds around the world. The best games are like fine wines and only get better with age. Today, Top Hat Gaming Man discusses the history of the PC Engine Shuttle and more importantly why it failed.
Thumbnail Image Source
A few extra shots of the panel from:
Novabug – Play Expo Footage – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Tq6o_G9L-Y&t=682s
Goudfishonggames – Play Expo Footage – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-4tydack9M&t=1s
You sound like one of the guards from the original fable. Take that as you will.
arguing if this is a handheld or a portable console, is like drawing a line between a small penis and a large clitoris.
BAHAHAHAH!!! saw your Ainsley Harriott T-Shirt at the end! that's hilarious! xD!!
hi, anyone have the battery mod for this pc engine LT ? thanks (saw it many years ago, but can't find it anymore
I like this serie video's ! 😃
Good stuff, bro.
انت بطل
there was a mysterious korean handheld console named Gamate I once saw in a flea market, I bet It must have a really interesting story behind It.
No idea this existed
VAT free holiday/handheld gaming video’s. Genius.
Its certainly a nice looking little device.
I have missed this series
Down vote for throwing classic hand held in the River
Your hardware reviews r why I actually got into watching ur channel. The game reviews r just a plus.
"Big Daddy Tophat" gets me every time.
That'd be one way to feel like a big shot. Go to an expensive hotel and bust out this super-rare vintage PCE and pop in NA Magical Chase.
Not that any of us are gonna have vacation plans anytime soon.
Question 😀
is it have to hold ?
FX compart to the first GB 🙂
looking for wear to more EPs of this
i Love it 😀
Wow, I didn't know this existed! Thanks for the video.
Looks like if someone from 2003 travelled back in time to 1991 to recreate the gba sp with technology of the era.
I wish you would have compared the MSRP of each of the systems you referenced, especially what the cost of the LT was when new. Not just a blurb that it was very expensive. Also, perhaps a complete overview of the actual system and inputs. Maybe an unboxing would have worked. Otherwise, I did enjoy the episode and learning about this console. Thanks!
Three vids a week! Yeeeeeaaaaah (that’s supposed to sound like the way you say it in your vids) keep it up top hat! Thanks a lot!
You fellas think big daddy Top is a knickers sniffer??
Very cool!!! Never seen this before!! Looks awesome!
PC Engine Lettuce and Tomato
Dude, you're HOT!!!
Was already chasing down a Turbo Express. Now there's another I need to find? DAMN YOU!
One of the only channels I subscribe to. You are an odd man big daddy. Enjoy all your stuff.
6:41 i cried that's not the way i would treat the mighty game gear lol
YYyyyeeeeaaaaaahhhhhhhh! That's the shit! For me it's called HARDware for a reason.
High quality portable PC Engine? Yes please!
Greta T gonna get angry aboot that throwing stuff into the river . none the less Great vid buds
Oh yeah…keep ‘em comin’!
Finally! I love you! You know how long I've been asking for this!?!?!
does it have a video out? or can you only game on the included screen?
Why aren't you in AEW?
Dope episode sir 🎩!
Handhelds 'Round the World intro is simply the best! <3
I'm sorry….it's a gaming device that fits in your hands?! It has it's own little screen so it can be moved around and enjoyed almost anywhere?! How dare you Top Hat Gaming Man call this a handheld! Clearly this handheld divice is not…a hanheld machine. You have totally lost your mind and now I must be forced to unsubscribe for sharing your opinion you monster! 😉
0:51 I love that "A Clockwork Orange" reference! 🤣
You're a fighter.
You are certainly prolific! It would seem hard enough to do two videos per week!
A handheld that can be bundled with a home console, NEC was way ahead of their time. Lucky for Nintendo that there is already a technology for the Switch.
This is really cool, reminds me of a giant GBA SP, although I think the Turbo Express is a better handheld PC Engine
God Damn top hat gaming daddy was an absolute babe wtf
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