Inside Xbox’s smallest and most efficient console yet. After inadvertently bricking his own Series S after a borked experiment (nothing to do with the system itself, we should add, which worked great!) Rich strips down the console to see what makes it tick, exposes the Series S processor and compares it against Series X, Xbox One S and even PS4 slim…
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Now I want to see Somebody doing a Handweld with en Xbox series s, I would love it!
What's the green goop thing on the chips called?
I picked up a xbox series s used but in great condition for a little over $200. My expectations were very low but it’s a true next gen console. It’s real snappy. If you don’t. Have a high refresh rate 4k TV and are more of a casual gamer this is the perfect machine. I play lots of old games on it.
So what your telling me is if I wanted to change my 500gb SSD in my series S to a idk 1tb or so it would be damn near impossible?
I recoverably damage the board to get to Memory? just say that you dont know how to properly take apart the heatsheld without damaging it lol.
THE SERIES S CARBON BLACK 1 TB Model is a Beast tested amazing and so silent
Good to see what is inside my Xbox series s without dissembling it myself.
I wasnt expecting the ssd to be so tiny. I imagined a big drive. 4:37
Ricegum chair
The series S is absolutely severely underrated.
Brooo it looks so tiny in compare to SX that i got on my shelf 😀 So much power in such light device
impressed too, but honestly i could purchase a small form factor pc case and fits equivalent technology.
ok so @2:30 it's not decorative holes, there is clearly a fan on the top here, so do not cover the top side of the machine in your tv unit.
for one moment, i thought the system was fanless because with such an huge radiator and low performance, it shouldn't heat that much.
zotac has a fanless "z" series barebones, embedding vega apu, which are fanless. i guess we're not at that stage for dedicated gpu yet.
Why nobody talking about the fact that he just has a freaking loose series x apu??
Question… Is it normal for a series s to run relatively hot even when not playing a game…… Just got one and my series x runs pretty cool when no games are being played… But the series s seems to be way warmer when not playing any games
Women in Bikinis circling around your chair with huge score cards denoting the days project and goal. Then they exit stage left for a back shot pan down then cut to tech pimp. Might be fun. 🤷🏼♂️. Unless dongs are more the speed here. Ya never know. Sounds Fun nonetheless
This guy is fricken awesome lol
It’s actually a stroke of genius on Microsoft’s part to release a console like this. It’s sits in that space between last gen and current gen at an affordable price. Plays current gen titles and is also backwards compatible. Anyone with a PS5 who is curious out getting into the Microsoft eco system doesn’t have to pay a arm and a leg.
Can i replace 512 ssd to 1 or 2 tb ?
If I put the series x big iron thing in my series will wit work 👀
I have a ps5 cd edition and xbox series s and believe me it’s the perfect combo. Also, i got the sony x90j tv for 4k 120hz
As for why i didn’t just buy a Pc? Pc’s always require upgrades which isn’t cheap every 2-3 years and it’s hard to play them on a tv and the overall cost is higher than the setup i have now.
Highly recommend it. You have best of both worlds ps5 plays every AAA games at the best res/frames a console can give today and the xbox series s allows you to play current gen games at a respectable res/frames.
Looks really well-made!
5:19 So I’ve got a literal car radiator in my series s that’s never been opened before. Might as well call the series s the “Series R”.
Here’s how we fit a damn disc drive in the series s: REMOVE THE FUCKING INTERNAL POWER SOURCE BRICK! I mean we need to return to the days when we had separate power bricks for our consoles. If we remove the internal power brick from the series s, we can actually fit a disc drive in the console itself!!!
10:25 “Build an Xbox Surface laptop with dual windows and xbox boot functionality…” oh my god I want this so bad. MICROSOFT BUILD THIS! Seriously Microsoft could build a truly next gen device I’d never imagine if they pulled this off.
Superb mini console 🤣 a gaming laptop is more worthy of the name superb mini console. It's not that great, the series S is being hella hyped for sales. Nothing else. I got the X because the S is garbage in comparison
when did this model come out ??
Great video!
The xbox one used 235 watt power brick, and this uses only around 90, amazing how stuff gets more efficient.
The MOSFETs in this console fail a lot, and are not passively dissipated, much less actively, HDMI port and SMD capacitors are trash too 👎 and thermal paste is even more dry than BG's heart.
I want to get a series S but no optical drive is a bummer
now it's available for $250 in the U.S.A. even a better deal, wish sony had a version like this one to play all previous titles
Absolutely in love my my Series S. I got it because it the Series X wasn't available at all, but after having the S for a few months now, I'm in love with it. Still plan on upgrading to the Series X when it becomes more available, but I'm happy with what I've got
series s saved us a lot of plastic. the most environmental friendly console
anybody could say me what are the black ICs(small rectangles with names EG695, EG696 etc) in the lines through to the HDMI port lines? see video 4:58
He says once you take it apart you can't put it together again me who's taken it apart for fun and got it back together in 10 min
Does I fix it sell scalpels to remove stickers? If not where could one buy such device?
at 7:47 what happend i can see damage to the around the x clamp
I would love to see this SOC put into a dual purpose laptop idea. I think this would be an interesting release possibility.
An excelente budget console, Series S is great
Great vid , I have a pc 3070ti and amd 5800x , I belittled the series s , but then got one cheap because of the game pass pc cross over so my kid and I could play sea of thieves together , whilst it's obvious my pc looks better I'm more than happy to play on the Xbox version , and when compared to playstation the thing is sooooo silent. I know this is a meme but price to performance is amazing , I honestly wish I'd just gone with the Xbox given the £1k it cost to upgrade to the 5800x and 3070ti from a 2600 and 5700xt
I just can't stand the fact that Ps4 pro makes warzone look great in comparison to the xbox series s 😒. I love mu series S most games look amazing but some are just… well…
Does anyone know where I can get a larger SSD so I can copy data to it and expand my storage without an external drive or expansion card as they are really expensive?
If i tear down my xbox series s will my warranty avoided?
$299 is a good price
Microsoft really outdid Playstation in terms of hardware design this generation. They managed to find a way to properly cool the devices in a more compact form factor.
I basically had no choice but to get the S because the X would not fit in my entertainment center. It’s a great console and I love how small it is.
Series S, like Wii U or GameCube, I adore and respect for the clever engineering, even if they didn't go for maximum cutting edge features and all out power. Just clever, efficient, beautiful design.
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