Recent horror films have gone great lengths to scare viewers. “The Invisible Man” employed a performer in a green suit to throw Elisabeth Moss’ character across a table. Jordan Peele’s “Us” used facial replacement CGI to allow characters to act alongside their doppelgängers. While movies like “Crawl” needed CGI to make its alligators as terrifying as possible, many horror movies still rely on practical effects to scare audiences. The 2019 “Child’s Play” reboot built an animatronic Chucky controlled by puppeteers, while “Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark” went all out creating makeup effects and costumes to turn its cast members into monsters.
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What 8 Horror Movies Looked Like Behind The Scenes | Movies Insider
5:45 so cats are pampered, demanding and entitled movie stars. Hope they had the 50 cans of tuna they asked for in their trailers.
恰奇 道具
hello name Uriel c. banglot my horror and the characters me skull of selection angel of death power of fire
Cats are so smart
Maine coon kitties
The "Invincible" man actually "Invincible" man
ngl i think i'd be more scared of getting thrown around by a random guy in a bright green jumpsuit than an invisible guy
does anyone notice that javier has a Feminine side that made him gorgeous? The way he portray a female role and he Is absolutely gorgeous
'It Follows' would have to be one of my favorites
I don't like the new chucky look. I prefer the original design from the 1st movie.
i like hereditary and the witch
5:50 i like animals but i hate cats… they are stupide cruel because they hunt and kill just for gun and no hunger so every killed cat (killed by a car f.ex.) saved hundreds or birds squirrels
A whole bunch of people doing absolutely nothing
What a cute cat for pet sematary, he adorable
i love siberian breeds
So…A quiet Place wasted alot of food on sounds?
I think the scariest I’ve ever been was when I was 11 y/o and watched “Psycho” for the first time alone in the childhood house!!
She needed a stunt double for that throw?

The scariest horror movie is sleepy Joe giving his speeches. And millions still voting for him and his kind.
Barbarian 2022
Smile 2022
Lmao the way she got thrown

It makes me feel less scared wen I see behind the scenes of Horror movies
OMG I loved ready or not, thanks for reminding its deff a film i would watch twice.
If your reading this god loves you
Very cool
Did you say “old fashioned ANIMATRONICS” ?
I kind of want to be in a horror movie now !
Technology is a
It gUmukotd o
I didn't like the chucky movie, none of the dolls looked like him.
You have been visited by a bunny, this bunny will be here till the end of time.
Child's play(2019) sucked
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