Any time you watch a biopic or documentary about a rock and roll star, you just know there will be the “party lifestyle” montage, as almost every rocker lets things get out of hand for at least a few years while on tour. It’s not always rock stars, either, as Mariah Carey is notorious for doing things like insisting a music store’s bathroom be remodeled for her. From the Black Crowes front man who’s a bit hard to handle if you don’t recognize him to the Rolling Stone who gets angry if he can’t get satisfaction or shepherd’s pie, here are some musicians who are terrors to tour with.
#Music #JustinBieber #musicians
Mariah Carey | 0:00
Chris Robinson | 1:13
Coheed and Cambria | 1:52
Cardi B | 3:05
Afroman | 4:21
Aerosmith | 4:58
The Ramones | 5:49
Justin Bieber | 6:58
The Red Hot Chili Peppers | 8:16
Britney Spears | 9:24
The Rolling Stones | 10:30
Demi Lovato | 11:42
Courtney Love | 12:46
Krokus | 13:50
Megadeth | 14:57
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Which musician do you think would be the worst to work with?
Fame, money, success. But they are still juvenile jerks.
bwahahaha yeah right, AS IF the ramones knew what a Cm and BMaj were….
Let’s face it, touring is a nightmare.
Literally no one has heard of coheed and cambria
And most of the artists on this video really suck too.
Cardi B is a shitty person .
Just entitled, vile, childish, whining creatures. Especially the women, like Cardi B. that cant even sing or play an instrument.
I would've told Mariah Carey to kick rocks
The monkey dodged the bullet.
This is the first time I ever heard of cardi b and I have a feeling it will be the last 😳
The Megadeth thing doesn’t surprise me really, Dave Mustaine has always seemed like a whiny pain in the ass. He’s always had that “I’m a tough badass” exterior, but then if you listen to him talk your like “is Dave Mustaine kind of a complaining pain?”, it appears that he is in fact a whiny pain
This is why i really dont wanna be in a band anymore…too much dysfunction.
Coheed and Cambria, damn. Good thing they distanced themselves from that crazy man. Addiction makes a person do absolutely insane things, sadly you still see that every day in America. All I can say is hope he got the help he needed.
Notice how Alice In Chains are NEVER mentioned on lists like these. I've been binging them while doing my work and not once have I heard of anyone having a bad interaction with them, both before Layne passed and afterwards. That's why they're my favorite band, tbh. As much as I love Nirvana, the drama surrounding them is such a headache.
No coincidence that these bands are also a terror to listen to. THEY ALL SUCK.
Drama. Nothing but drama…….
3:46 -> cultural appropriation
Cardi B sucks, she’s not a musician and never will be. Her “songs” have no lyrical substance and she can’t go one song without talking about her 😺. Her only material is her physical assets. Trash
Ike and Tina Turner
Poor DeeDee and Johnny's girlfriend
Cardi b has no talent
Mariah Carey what a douchbag
Ha ha ha ha, not recognizing Chris Robinson? I know who he is, but one shot of him in the video I thought he looked like Izzy Straddlin.
The Germans seized Bieber's poor monkey? They should have seized Bieber instead and put him in the zoo!
Of all the rock 'n roll excesses it's the diva behaviour that annoys me the most. Mariah Carey being amongst the worst. Who the hell do these people think that are? They're just humans, the same as all of us, who've just been lucky enough to be blessed with a great voice, been in the right place at the right time to get noticed, then made an awful lot of money. It shouldn't give them the right to demand all kinds of crazy things, just to turn up, especially for an hour, and treat others like shit. Especially when they don't get what they want. If she threw a tantrum at something I'd organized, not that I'd have wanted her there to begin with, I'd tell her to get her whining arse back in her limo and piss off!
Courtney didn't just trash living spaces.
Eric racist Clapton is not very original, it was just good timing. Most every one of his songs was written by someone else, he is a misc. cover band. He also sued a newly widowed lady who was selling her husbands CDS on ebay, one was a Eric Clapton CD. He is an ass, who also never got any better on guitar, he just plays the same old riffs he stole from black American musicians
Finally China got it right ban Justin Bieber.
I would probably say Axl Rose. I love his music though.
you sound like my mother, grunge…….. eff you
Disgusting behavior mistreating women, neglecting animals & trashing property for kicks🙄
If I were a touring musician, I wouldnt tour with most of these people anyway. I'm not really big on huge ego's. Some of these people dont care that they are living their lush lives because of the fans. If the fans quit buying your material, you can say by-by to your champagne and caviar.
I want to know what Rick Allen did to Krokus
Just proves the point, famous people are not that different from everyone else. As a matter of fact in my mind they're way worse.
Maria Carrey based a career on one shi tty Christmas song let's hope she never turns Muslim or she is truly shafted
If the Afroman thing had happened with a female singer instead, she would’ve been commended for defending herself and the guy probably would’ve gotten beaten to death by security. But alas, I dream of equality…
Some pop stars in here arent musicians they rely on someone to write their music …and most of 'em scks
Man i love Afroman
I year house arrest and 1 year probation for robbing a pharmacy, saying you have a bomb!!, and getting 6 BOTTLES of pain killers??
I… I don't even know what to say. If you're a drug addict (I am, but have been sober for about 3 1/2yrs.) that kinda seems worth it, especially when you are going through withdrawals (which I bet he probably was to do something crazy like that). But if you kept the bottles and had the money and fame he had to just get drugs delivered to his house.. it honestly seems like a great deal.
Gosh, the Chinese are so lucky sometimes
You can watch the Afroman clip of him punching the lady. He just keeps playing the guitar right after he does it lol
so, you're keith, multimilionaire super rock star. you simply ask for a pie. someone steals it and eat it. somehow you are a diva…
Damn get Richard's some damn shepherds pie
Dave Mustang was also kicked out of Metallica for being whiny.
You have to remember that back in the day Steven Tyler and Joe Perry were known as the toxic twins because they did so many drugs. I hope and pray that with age and sobriety this may have changed some. I hope anyway. lol
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