It’s not about winning; it’s about how you play the game. Welcome to, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Sports Movie Clichés. Subscribe►► Facebook►► Twitter►► Suggestion Tool►► Channel Page►►
For this list, we’re taking a look at tropes that keeping popping up in sports movies. For this list, we’re taking a look at tropes that keeping popping up in sports movies.
Special thanks to our user Karma for submitting the idea on our Interactive Suggestion Tool at
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What is the movie at 4:18 ? I always forget the title
Wot about movie
Wild Cats
6:51 worked for Machida
If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball,
controversial but the guys who dosen't think the black kid, girl, or guy with disability can make it.
SPORTS is the "True" meaning of life and the universe and purpose
Rookie of the Year, Like Mike, Angels in the Outfield and more: Whenever someone gets a superpower, it gets taken away at the end.
The wise old man giving worldly advise.
There's also the cheerleader who is a complete bitch and has an airhead sidekick
I am a sports fanatic and movie buff. Hit it right on the nail! 🙂
i hate these Cliches
I love you, WM! You should do a TT worst sports movies.
How about the buzzer beater? Y'know, that incredibly long-shot, nearly impossible score to give the team those few winning points they need just as the last seconds of the game trickle out?
you forgot the raising of the champions body and a freeze frame ending
The slow clap is as cheesy as it comes. Hard to stomach it.
What about the unsupportive parent/respected figure that refuses to support or believe in the protagonist (including forbidding them from playing the sport or kicking them out if they continue) but at the end of the movie shows that they believe in the protagonist after all?
The last minute awesome player
Go Team, get the ball, do the sport.
Our heroes will show these jerks what it means to be part of a team! Shows the only sport movie where he pretty much did everything himself, because it's a 1 on 1 fight. Makes sense Watchmojo.
"For the love of the game" win (memorial win)
FUn Fact: the crane kick was invented for the movie and was supposedly impossible to do in real life. 1 of my older brothers successfully pulled it off defending himself from bullies.
this video is so true
Hey watchmojo, can you do a top ten animated movie cliches? Thank you
I remember only two sport movie stories, not sure why, since they wasn't mentioned here, so maybe it was crap… anyway, I don't remember the names, so if anyone can help I'd be glad.
1. women playing baseball when men are in war, sisters rivality, … ?
2. high school football, main hero can't play anymore because he gives his kidney to a relative… ?
Pretty sure they lose in FNL (spoilers)
Semi pro could have been futures on almost all of these.
Longest yard gotta be the funniest sports movie
The training montage has to be my favorite part of all sports movies, you get too see the grind behind the success and the heartbreak before you make it to the top
basically sums up why i HATE sport movies
how about a top ten list for worst NFL coaches who won a Superbowl or The National title.
How about the unlikely hero. (Facing the Giants)
I hate the underdog cliche. I want to see a movie where some undersize character losses all the time. Even as he does it training montage he keep messing up.And they are bullied and cnt fight back. Then in the final game just when u think he going to score the final goal or game winner he doesnt and crys. The bully feel a little bad and tell the kid hes been training since he was a child, u cnt pick any sport and use moltivation as your good luck charm. Typically a decade training beats a couple months of training and heart. Then when the person ask them to help him get better he tell him refuses and tell him to pick something hes good at not this sport
If you are going to use clips from "The Longest Yard" use clips from the good version. Not that piece of crap Adam Sandler did.
The black guy dies first cliché!
So, you hipsters out there, are there some actual sports movies without much of these? (foreign, US) eventhought it kinda seems impossible to make a good sports movie without at least 1 qliche and we just like to point them out cause it's funny for our dialy internet enterteinment XD? (lol)
No jumping front kick is not an illegal move
they forgot winning by 1 point.
I hate when people say that the crane kick in The Karate Kid was an illegal blow.
A. They show a clip of Daniel getting kicked in the face in one of his matches.
B. Blow to the face only become illegal in The Karate Kid 3.
That wasn't a training montage in Karate Kid. That was competition.
The flying V would never work because they would automatically offside.
dont remind me of when the karate kid lost in the final battle
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