Unboxing the Microsoft Xbox Series S to celebrate them buying Activision Blizzard lol. New Forza Motorsport gameplay. Great console for playing digital backwards compatible games. Thanks to Xbox for sending this review sample and review code for Forza.
Forza graphics comparison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QArEYnimr6Q
PS5 Spider-Man 2 console https://youtu.be/gLT1lClzXjs
Unusual Series X https://youtu.be/Oy0lqIGcF_Q
Forza Horizon 5 press kit https://youtu.be/u2ekQ-4Qvmw
Forza graphics comparison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QArEYnimr6Q
All unboxing videos https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLo2sxVnbrTqCxdu55pSRUEQhplewUYE7T
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#xbox #forzamotorsport #unboxing
that's why i bought a white one, when you touch, it feels smooth instead of plasticy.
the buttons feel less clicky, and the thumbsticks are quieter.
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