Why does Star Wars technology advance SO SLOWLY? | Star Wars Lore

Why does Star Wars technology advance so slowly? We look at the principles of technological stagnation, and the effects of Palpatine, the Republic, and more on Star Wars technology, on today’s Star Wars Lore Video!

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Home – Twisted Light
Alison – Endless Reflexions / Gaze

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Intro/Outro Music: Home – Resonance
Outro meme’d by: https://twitter.com/freightmytrain


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@EckhartsLadder April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
@IdioticTrolling April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
Because they didn’t need to.

Adversity drives technology. Peace stagnation exist. The Empire didn’t need advance technology because everything the Resistance can throw at them are older than dirt. The X-Wing was basically yesteryear tech. Effective, but still old. And not even built for the purpose it was originally designed for. A lot of their capital ship were not military in build but civilian adapted for such purposed. When you already own the biggest and deadliest stick in the yard, there’s no reason to look for another one.

Real world example, look at the old USSR. Would their tech level had ever advanced if it wasn’t for the need of the Cold War?

During war footing when you need to leap the technological advantage of the enemy, it’s when advance and innovation in technology come in leap and bound. No WW2, 90% of today tech probably wouldn’t exist. No Cold War, definitely no advancement in existing tech. They would have been no need for it. No bleeding heart liberals screaming about climate change, no improvement in fuel economy. Etc, etc, etc.

So, why waste resources and time on developing new tech when you can use that same resources and time to subjugate your peons?
@adrianaslund8605 April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
It seems to go by pre modern rules of golden ages and stagnation. That's how people imagined history in premodern times. You had the bronze age civilisations and then the bronze age collapse. Where all writing disappeared. And skills were lost. You got the roman empire. And then came the dark ages. Where all those skills were lost. And so on.
@matthewschneider8075 April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
I think technology regresses in Star Wars ship building because of periods of peace and that is why you seem to have a technological stagnation. My theory is that in times of war you have a ton of inovation in shipbuilding and weapons but after the wars when you have a period of peace, like the Ruusan Reformation, the galaxy forgets how to make things efficiently and so you have a slight regression in technology when applied to warfare. Shipbuilding like any type of construction requires constant practice and experience to get really good. If you aren’t practicing you lose those skills that made things efficient while building ships.
@markl4593 April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
Really? This is all “make believe”. It’s stupid fictional nonsense. Get a life.
@ajteer April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
Because necessity (and adversity) is the mother of inventions. If you want to follow the old lore, the one with the Yuzhan Vong, lots of new tech was invented after that. But when the Empire owns 70-80% of the known galaxy, you can expect some stagnation.
@histguy101 April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
Replicators and transporters are universe breaking imo, as are time travel devices
@twistedyogert April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
When you have a galaxy spanning civilization there's going to be a lot of variation in the way things are built. Remember when the Clones stole a starfighter from Umbara. They were initially unfamiliar with the controls since the other machinery in the galaxy had some sort of physical controls rather than the holographic ones the Umbarans had.
People had been using physical controls for thousands of years and had become familiar with them. They didn't want anything to change dramatically because doing so would force them to relearn everything all over again.
@luchinazo April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
At some point you just fill the technology tree and further improvements seems so small compared to achieving something for the first time, having no teleporters, time travel or matter replicators means that some things are just impossible to do in universe
@DarthKanye April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
its a shame they dont explore the origins of the star wars galaxy, like the first space faring civilization, their homeworld, first contact and their technology at the time along with jedi
@lukaszrower7612 April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
Or maybe on the other hand we need to look at it... The will to power. It does not allow for rapid development.
@hamburglar83 April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
Knight of the republic looks more advanced. Throws me out of the story
@midgerm April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
could be somthing along the following lines
1: they suffer constant regression in technology because those who make advancements usually die in a power struggle to get them to work for your side to get a monopoly on them and then the tech eventually breaks down because its creator aint there to maintain it
2: it could be fear in a way: what happens when one side invests into research and development? well if we take the crappier star wars movies into consideration
palpatine ordered his sith remnants to research their tech - must have, because they went into the unkown regions with scraps they could get their hands on and eventually came OUT of the unkown regions with EACH ship having the same destructive capabilities as the old deathstar
could be that the galaxy as a whole may, conciously or unconciously NOT want to progress their tech because - the next stage up from blasters and ship to ship weapons? seems to be a death star, which could blow up entire planets.....so whats the next stage up from blowing up a planet? everyship can now blow up planets.
and whats the next stage up from that? soldiers might carry a device that can blow up a planet - you get the idea: they are getting closer and closer to the galaxy wide nuclear weapon

and then what happens? when the tech is out there that can blow up a galaxy by causing a star to go supernova or somthing....when two sides both have that tech and one starts to lose....whats to stop them from taking the galaxy out in a nuclear button push?

think of it for us modern day humans? we had guns, then we had artilary, then inter continnent missiles then nukes
we went from pea shooters that could kill our fellow man to a weapon that can blow up the whole damn country
@jankrnac3535 April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
Did even Lucas told how old Star Wars is? Just on quote about Republic exist 1000 years.

Nothink about there was everytime same technology or there was so many things before.

Maybe making stories in the past destroying logic already made future and is better making future stories.
@redcodegaming3164 April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
A simple answer, the creators can't think of anything that would be higher tech then what they have....
@Anime300 April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
I think Disney's fanfiction needs to be taken with a grain of salt: if it doesn't contradict anything that came before it, it's probably fine, but everything from the Expanded Universe had to go through George Lucas and he approved it, and it's what he considers canon over what the Mouse did to his baby, which he didn't approve of at all.
@a.r.g.3515 April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
Says the civilization that 8.000 years later still rides a 4 wheeled carriage to go to work... lol
@andrewsandquist5553 April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
War creates new advances. No war. No fast advances
@davidalan528 April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
“If you keep mapping the Unknown Regions, you’ll have to call them something else.” — soon-to-be-General Wedge, making the most succinct argument for the name switch.
@earnistse4899 April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
Starwars universe is both so far ahead and so far behind our own.
@quickfingers7062 April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
Well, the same question can be asked in or reality. For example, why do we still use the wheel? Isn’t it “old technology” since it was made thousands and thousands of years ago? Why do we still use it today? Well, because it’s a universal tool of ground transportation. Sure, we’ve swapped horse drawn carriages to steam engines to gasoline engines and now electric engines, but we’ve always kept the wheel around simply because it is the best at its job. The wheel will only be replaced if and when we perfect something like a hovercraft and make it cheap enough to be commercialized. Just because it’s old doesn’t mean it’s not relevant or good.
@xxred_devilxx7196 April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
Lmao they made multiple super weapons but barely figured out how to make colored holograms
@MiKafchin April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
Has no logic ,they don t have A.I. ...smarter guns ,efficient robots ...I love Star Wars but is so unlogic...
@Cleisthenes607 April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
Ancient Egypt lasted for 3,000 years and was pretty stagnant. An Egyptian born in 3,000 BC would recognise life in Egypt in 1000 BC.
@ColonelBragg April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
The New Sith wars also basically plunged the Galaxy into something of a dark age
@JerichoDeath April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
"Basically Mass Effect"
@REF0202 April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
Simple answer, Star Wars isn't science fiction, it's a space opera. The sci-fi setting in incidental to the plot.
@HKGYHCheng April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
I mean, the real explanation is that the old republic is set so long ago so they can have full reign on their story, but many technology look similar so it still looks like star wars. but if u want to over analyze it then whatever
@nicholasb5901 April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
It's all very interesting there Mr eckert, but hey, don't you think the more advanced civilizations traveling to other biomes would carry their diseases with them and essentially cause a massive plague on every place that they visited? They may have the technology to protect themselves against foreign viruses and bacterial diseases, but your little ewoks are going to catch the Corona and die. That is, if they have lungs. Assuming they don't use some sort of pseudopod that absorbs the oxygen, or whatever they use, as a part of their biological process out of the atmosphere of their biome, through a mucus layer. I'm just saying, since it's totally fantasy anyway.
@nicholasb5901 April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
You know it's fantasy right? Okay I was just checking there, because videos like this make me wonder what's going on with some people. Like crazy theories about some made-up fantasy s**, you know what I mean? But it does help to populate the internet with a bunch of s** to watch when you can't sleep at 3:00 in the morning. And hey, it's not porn so it's not the most stupid thing on the internet.
@Elitesolider1023 April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
With how advanced Star wars technology is it would make sense why they would still use such things that were invented from centuries ago because of how still advanced they are especially built to last for ages however before the events of the Old Republic they're probably were technology by then that were aging a lot faster by evolving into different types of technology before slowing down with even bigger amounts of advanced technology that could last even longer Jedi and Sith also use different weapons before the lightsaber was made and yet we still see the lightsaber being used centuries later because of how reliable and powerful it is and despite the advancements of the empire made for new technology to exist you still mostly see old technology being used because of how reliable it is so it makes perfect sense and and we'll probably reach this stage and in a few centuries later.
@bostontowny4life744 April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
I think it only looks stagnant to us because we’re so much more primitive with our technology than even “ancient“ Star Wars technology is way beyond anything we’ll probably ever achieve. What might look the same in the Knights of the Old Republic as a new Hope, might be a huge difference in the eyes of the actual people of the galaxy. For example, say Han Solo or some other pilot takes a tour inside an exact replica of the Ebon Hawk. What may look the same to us, may look extremely ancient, and old fashion to the person taking the tour. They became so technologically advanced, that even little things might seem extremely dated.

How much more can they advance beyond just straight up evolving into a higher state of consciousness? If they did that, then we wouldn’t have Star Wars lol.
@bostontowny4life744 April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
You can ask this for any fantasy universe (and yes, star wars is more fantasy than sci-fi).
@guyvelvet1980 April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
Because the prequel trilogy came out post the main trilogy
@KYCDK April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
the main issue i have is that the empire seems to have worse technology than what the republic had during the clone wars

this makes no sense, while the rest of the galaxy it does make sense for technology to be worse, the empire is in control and holds all the wealth and resources, the only "war" is them vs a small rebellion, a rebellion which hides out planning most of the time.

eg. the walkers seem very primitive compared to the technology during the clone wars, they are tall, meaning their centre of mass is high, while their base of support is very small in comparison. if you compare this to some similar designs in the clone wars, which were much more tank looking, wider base, shorter in hight, it seems that the walkers have more weaknesses than what was in the clone wars, the legs are unprotected, and a hard enough blow will send one toppling down, it's why real life tanks are short, there is no reason for the walkers to be so tall

additionally the ships that the empire use (the small ones, i don't know what they are called) obstruct vision and have so much cost cutting, why? they literally own all the money in the galaxy, you don't need to cut costs

the empire literally took over the republic, it has all the technology the republic had, yet the only advancement i can see from the clone wars to the original trilogy is anakins robot arm compared to lukes

which again doesn't make sense since they are the rebels and should have lower quality technology than the past and they should be cost cutting
@keeganyarber5089 April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
Because Jar Jar Binks brought down the average IQ across the galaxy, significantly.
@Dexteritas55 April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
Pretty obviously their tech is tied to ours. Its limited by our imagination which is heavily limited by what we have in reality. Thats why
@edmundsim6251 April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
Space and hyperspace damage digital circuits as the electromagnetic field require to generate hyperspace travel will also fry the circuits so they opt for analogy systems.
@Vry6xn April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
Cause Disney has no new ideas
@Freeway7 April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
Well i can answer very easy .... ITS a fucking movie !!! Not real so what ever the writer write goes so WTF !!!
@dr.victorvs April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
Problem is that it's hard to believe there were no conflicts just because of the Old Republic. Even within like the USSR, which was a union of republics, they competed. In the United States, states compete. And periods of "peace" like the Cold War and the period between WW1 and WW2 were truly 𝙩𝙝𝙚 periods of huge technological advancement.
You don't really develop tech as fast during war. Many countries could have developed the nuclear bomb if they weren't at war during WW2. The Manhatten Project actually began with info from the UK and Canada. The whole thing that led the US to be the first one was that its mainland territory wasn't really being attacked. It lived a sort of cold war.
@TheSwordfish009 April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am

They went from one death star being able to blow up a planet to one blowing up 10 planets within 30 years.
@brotherandythesage April 3, 2024 - 8:04 am
Also when you "lose" a planet why not just Goggle-it on your smart phone? Or call it since apparently you can have instant communication over millions of light years.

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